UNIT 3. Lab Reports and Evaluating Results Flashcards
Who first discovered atom?
Greek philosopher DEMOCRITUS.
Who adopted Democritus’s idea of the atom?
John Dalton
John Dalton formed…
First modern atomic model.
Steps to writing lab report:
1) Title
2) Introduction/ Purpose
3) Hypothesis-prediction
4) Materials and equipments
5) Procedure
6) Data/ Results
7) Conclusion/ Evaluation
Results can be:
Conclusive and inconclusive.
If results don’t lead to a definite answer they are…
In case of inconclusive results:
- Change variables
- Design a new model
- Try a different investigation.
Two types of errors:
1) Systematic
2) Random
Systematic VS Random. What is the difference?
Systematic error affects the accuracy of a measurement, while random error affects precision of the measurements.
Calibration is…
when the readings of an instrument are compared to a known measurement to check its accuracy.
Calibration is also known as…
Parallax error is…
an error that occurs when you view the object from different points.