Unit 3: Interests in Real Estate Flashcards
Estate in Land
the degree, quantity, nature, and extent of an owner’s interest in real property
To be an Estate in Land
an interest must allow possession, meaning the holding and enjoyment of the property either now or in the future, and be measured over time
Freehold estate
lasts for an inderterminable length of time, such as for lifetime or forever
Fee simple (absolute)
the highest interest in real estate recognized by law
Upon the death of the owner of a fee simple estate, the property interest passes to…
- the decedent’s co-owner, if there is one and the co-ownership was accompanied by a right of surviorship
- the person or persons specified in the decendent’s will (the devisees)
- If the decendent has left no will, to the persos(s) designated by the state’s law of interstate sucession
Fee simple defeasible
qualified fee estate that is subject to the occurence or nonoccurence of some specified event
fee simple determinable
a fee simple defeasible estate that may be inherited
possibility of reverter
an interest that can be transferred to somone else
If the possibility of reverter limitation is violated, the holder receives the title automatically
The language used to distinguish a special limitation______ is the key to create a special limitation
words such as ‘so long as’ or ‘while’ or ‘during’
When an owner gives land to a church, ‘so long as’ the land is used for only religious purposes, is known as?
fee simple determinable
Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
an owner gives real estate ‘on condition of’ ownership, which means there is a difference in the way the estate will terminate if there is a violation of the condition.
The owner has the right to reentry but must bring legal action in court to assert this right.
Land given ‘on the condition’ that there be no alcohol consumption on the premise is..
A fee simple subject to a condition subsequent
The possibility of reverter (fee simple determinable) or right of entry (fee simple subject to a condition subsequent) is a right considered a ______ .
future interest
Life estate
a freehold estate limited in duration to either the life of the holder of the estate or the life of some other designated person or persons. Not inheritable and passes on accorinding to provisions
life tenant
entitled to the rights of ownership and can benefit from both possession and ordinary use, and profits arising from ownership
A life estate pur autre vie (for a life of another)
provides for inheritance of the property right by the life tenent’s heirs, but the right exists only unitl the death of the identified person(s)
A life estate could be granted to a surviving brother by a deceased property owner for the life of the surviving brother’s children
As long as one of the children survives, the life estate is in control of the life tenant or successor
When the life estate ends it is replaced by a
fee simple estate
Remainder interest
The creator of the life estate may name a remainderman as the person to whom the property will pass when the life estate ends
Reversionary Interest
The creator of the life estate may choose not to name a remainderman. Ownership returns to the original owner upon the end of the life estate
Legal life estate
established by state law and becomes effective whencertain events such as a Dower, curtesy, and homestead that are used here in the U.S.
Dower and curtesy provide
a nonowning spouse with a means of support after the death of the owning spouse
Uniform Probate Code (UPC)
gives a surviving spouse the right to an elective share on the death of the other spouse, if the surviving is not satisfied with the decendent’s disposition of the property by will
legal life estate occupied as the family home
Homestead are
except from certain judgements for debts, such as charge accounts and personal loans, but not a mortgage for the purchase or improvement of the property
- not protected against real estate taxes billed against the property
How does Homestead excemption work?
- after a sale occurs, debts (mortgageg, unpaid taxes, and liens) will be paid
- then the family will receive the amount reserved by excemption
- Last the rest is applied to unsecured debts
type of interest in real estate that does not rise to the level of the ownership or possession, yet it still gets some degreee of use or control
a charge against property that provides security for a debt or an obliagation of the property owner.