UNIT 3 - Hinduism Review Flashcards
Where is Hindiusm practiced?
1.) India
2.) Nepal
3.) Fiji
4.) Guyana
What are the 3 periods of Hinduism?
Pre-Vedic Period (Matriarcle society)
Vedic Period (Veda - First Hindu Scripture)
Upanishadic Period (Upanishad becomes the main scripture; People begin to worship in Temples)
What is the Universal Soul / God called?
Brahmen (Divided into many gods / goddesses)
What is Atman?
The release of the soul; Hindu’s believe Brahmen is in everyone - Atman
What is reincarnation?
Belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lives in the form of humans, animals or plants
What is Samsara? What is it governed by?
Samsara –> Cycle of reincarnation
Cycle of reincarnation is governed by KARMA
What are the Four Gods in Life?
The Purusharthas
What is Moksha?
The release of the soul (Atman) from the cycle of rebirth (Samsara); describes the pursuit of spiritual realization and freedom from the cycle of birth and death
What is Artha?
The pursuit of material gain and successful work by lawful means (right livelihood)
What is Dharma? Give an example
The Code for Leading in one’s life; the pursuit of spiritual duties, worship, learning, and devotion to the gods and goddesses. (Ex. Respect for elders is considered important and many consider marriage as a son’s religious duty)
What is Karma?
To reincarnate to a higher level through pure acts, knowledge, and devotion; The principle of cause and effect is where good actions and intentions lead to good and “better” rebirths, while bad actions and intentions lead to bad and “worse” rebirths.
What are the Four Vedas?
The Rg-Veda (Rigveda) - Oldest and holiest
Yajur- Veda
What are the two main sacred texts?
Vedas and Upanishads
How were the Vedas originally revealed?
Orally revealed by the god Brahma to certain sages, who heard them and passed them down in oral tradition
What are the Vedas?
The Vedas are the law; most beliefs, concepts, and ceremonies are based on information contained in the Vedas
What are the Upanishads?
Considers the nature of Atman (soul) and the Universal Soul (Brahmen)
What Holy Scripture contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation in different bodies? (Transmigration of the soul)
The Upanishads
What are the two main categories of Hindu Scriptures?
- The Shruti - Consists of the 4 Vedas and the Upanishads
- The Smiritis - The Laws of Manu Hymns of Pious Living; an instruction guide for correct routines / Ways of living
What is Ramayana? Summarize the story.
Ramayana describes the story of Rama and his devoted wife, Sita.
TLDR: Sita gets kidnapped by the Demon King Ravana, later freed by Rama w/help from Monkey God Hanuman = Good triumphs over evil and are role models for ideal husband and wife
What is the Mahabharata?
Poem describing a story of a war between two branches of a family
What is the Bhagavad-Gita?
Forms part of the Mahabharata - “The Song of God”
What are the Puranas?
A collection of ancient tales about the different incarnations and the lives of Saints
Who is Brahmen?
The eternal origin and only god in Hinduism; the cause and foundation of all existence (Creator).
List the three different forms of Brahman (Trimurti) and what each form represents.
Brahma = The Creator
Shiva = The Destroyer
Vishnu = The Preserver / Observer
Who is Paravati?
The Goddess of fertility, love, beauty, marriage, and motherhood; Wife of Shiva (the Destroyer)
Who is Ganesha?
The son of Shiva and Paravati, depicted as a human with an elephant head
Who is Saraswathi?
The Goddess of wisdom and knowledge and the wife of Brahma (The Creator)
Who is Lakshmi?
Goddess of wealth, light, beauty, good fortune; Wife of Vishnu (The Preserver)
What does SHAKTI mean?
Sacred force, feminine energy
What is the significance of Ramanuja?
- Taught others to worship a personal god
- “The world is the Lord’s body”
- Created several temples of worship
This Hindu teacher protests for women’s rights and helps Hindus reach self-governance through teaching, yoga, and asanas
Dayananda Saraswati
This Hindu teacher helps women in need and those who are poor
Lord Swaminarayan
Who was Mahatma Gandhi? Why was he significant in Hinduism?
- The “Father of India”
- Conducted protests against anti-indian legislation
- Created political change after nearly a century of British colonial rule
- Non-violent protests
This worship is performed at home or temple, with family and involves offerings to Murti (sacred statue of a god)
The repetition of the name of the god/goddess in the act of worship is______?
A special place where Hindus worship is called…?
Mandir / Hindu Temple
This hindu practice involves offering food and water to a deity during worship (Puja).
How many life milestones are in Hinduism?
What events traditionally takes place during death?
involves a family carrying a corpse to be cremated over the funeral pyre and afterward spreading the ashes into a body of water
What age range do upper caste boys get initiated and introduced to their guru?
7-12 y/o
What is the sacred thread ceremony?
Intiation of upper caste Hindu boys aged 7-12; marks becoming a student - First stage in life
What does the sacred thread represent?
Worn at all times as a sign of his responsibilities to his caste and to his study of the Vedas
These three rules are used to name a newborn child on their 12th day of life.
- Rules of syllables
- Rules of caste
- Rules of deity of devotion
What is Diwali, and what is celebrated? What is featured
during this festival?
“The Festival of Lights”
1.) Celebration of light over darkness; triumph over evil
2.) Features fireworks, gifts, and sweets.
Holi is a popular and significant Hindu festival celebrated as the “Festival of Colours.” How is Holi celebrated?
Holi is celebrated by a bonfire created to symbolize the victory of good over evil. The next morning, Hindus smear each other with colored powders.
What is the significance of the Ugadi Festival on the Hindu Calendar?
New Years Day is celebrated for Hindus, conforming to the Hindu calendar.
“Maha Shivaratri” is a festival that celebrates the deity Shiva, consisting of no sleep, prayer, fasting and chanting. The festival, “Maha Shivaratri,” literally translates to…?
“The Great Night of Shiva”
This festival is celebrated on the 14th of January annually, where Surya (Sun Deity/God in Hinduism) is worshipped.
Makar Sankranti
What is Aum, and what does it symbolize?
Considered the greatest of all mantras, represents several important triads:
1. Earth, Atmosphere, Heaven
2. Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu
What is the Bindi? What does the Bindi symbolize?
The red dot on the forehead of married women; symbolizes feminine energy and believed to protect married women
What does the cow symbolize?
Purity, motherhood, non-violence
Hands in prayer represents..?
A sign of respect for the sacred; dear to the heart
What is Linga the symbol of?
Seen as a symbol of the energy and potential of God, Shiva
What is Lotus feet?
Touching the feet of superiors shows an attitude of submission and service
What does the Lotus translate to in Sanskrit? What does it symbolize?
PADMA - Purity / Transcendence; Growing out of mud, resting on water
What does the swastika symbolize?
Good fortune, well being
What is the Tilak? What does it symbolize?
- Worn by men on the forehead for ceremonies
- Devotion to Vishnu indicated by the “U” shape
- Lines represent devotion to Shiva
What is the Trishshula?
Shiva, balance of forces of creation, preservation and destruction
What does the Traditional Hindu Caste System consist of?
1.) Brahmins - Priests, Teachers, Intellectuals (Highest)
2.) Kshatriyas - Warriors, Protectors
3.) Vaishyas - Merchants, Farmers
4.) Sudras - Lowests, Servants
5.) Dalits / Untouchables - Outcasts, Dirtiest Work (Lowest)