Unit 3 Food in Your Life Flashcards
What are the areas of wellness?
Physical, Mental/ Emotional, and Social
How are the areas of wellness interrelated?
All areas of wellness are connected, when 1 area is not at its peak it brings down the other areas. For example, if I break my leg that will limit my physical and social capabilities. I may not be able to do my normal daily activities like before. Also, it will affect my mental and emotional health because I may not feel good. I may get very sad or frustrated because I cannot do things like before.
Etiquette states that when dining out you need to tip your server. What is an appropriate amount to tip a server in a restaurant?
How do your surroundings contribute to your eating experience?
Surroundings should be clean and set up for food service. Eating utensils should be close by so that you do not have to get up and leave your meal to get them. Limit distractions, no TV- people who eat while watching TV eat far more at meals than people who do not.
Who is responsible for approving and regulating the use of additives in our food?
FDA: The Food and Drug Administration
What does it mean if a food has been fortified?
This means that nutrients that were not naturally present in the food item have been added. This is commonly done with dairy products. For example, milk fortified with vitamin D.
How much daily physical activity should you complete to maintain your health and wellness?
30 minutes of physical activity everyday
What does good physical health mean?
Means that your body’s systems are functioning normally. Your body is able to grow and repair itself, you have enough energy for daily living, and your able to resist illness and sleep well. It does not mean having a perfect body necessarily.
What does good mental and emotional health mean?
Means that you are able to deal with daily life and feel good about yourself. Ability to cope with change, face problems, handle emotions like anger in an acceptable way.
What does good social health mean?
Involves your relationships with others. Able to communicate with others, have friends, accept rules and responsibilities, make decisions based on values.
What is culture?
Culture is the beliefs, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people.
What factors influence our food choices?
The people were around. Culture and traditions. Available food supply. Schedules, energy, and budget. Food advertisements. Knowledge about food and nutrition.
What is a regional food? Give an example.
A regional food is a food that is special to a particular area. For example, Creole cooking in Louisiana.
How did America’s food traditions form?
America has a wide range of food traditions and customs. We are called the “melting pot” because of our diverse population of immigrants. As different groups of people came to America from their homeland they brought with them their food traditions. These paired with the food traditions of the Native Americans creating food customs like no where else in the world.
When your stomach growls, it is a sign that you are experiencing?
What is Hydroponics?
A method of growing vegetables indoors in a nutrient-rich solution rather than soil.
What is Irradiation?
The process of passing food through radiant energy to kill various forms of disease-causing bacteria.
What are additives?
Substances that are added to foods during processing to make them safer, more appealing, or more nutritious.
What are papillae?
Tiny bumps that cover the tongue and contain our taste buds.
Why is eating together as a family important?
It allows time to relax, visit and catch up on events in everyone’s life. Studies show that families who eat together tend to follow more healthful eating patterns.
What are resources?
Anything that helps you reach a goal or complete a task.
What are nutrients?
Chemicals found in food that the body needs for nourishment.
What is flavor?
A combination of a foods taste, smell, and touch.
If is say, “This food has a long shelf life.” What does that mean?
That food will stay safe and appealing to eat for a longer period of time.
Curing is one way to extend the shelf life of some foods. What is curing?
Curing uses ingredients such as sugar, salt, spices along with sodium nitrate or nitrite to preserve food. Ham is an example of a cured meat.
What is an action plan and why is it helpful?
An action plan is a step-by-step plan for achieving a goal. It is helpful because it allows you to take a big goal and break it down into manageable and realistic steps.
What is appetite?
Appetite is the desire to eat. It is influenced by many factors including emotion, and food advertisements. We often eat when we are not hungry because of our appetite, or eat too much because of our appetite.
How do appetite and hunger differ?
Appetite is the desire to eat Ex: I want to eat pizza because it sounds delicious. Hunger is the need to eat. Ex: My stomach is growling I wonder if there is a granola bar in my bag.
What does wellness mean?
Wellness means reaching your overall best level of health.
What does lifestyle mean?
Lifestyle includes how your live your life and all the things that you do.
Another word for manners is?
Describe family style serving.
Food is placed in serving dishes on the dining table and is served from there.
Describe plate style serving.
Food is plated on individual plates and they plates are brought to the table.
Describe buffet style serving.
Food is set out on a side table or buffet and people serve themselves and return to their seat.
Why do some parts of the world have food shortage?
Their climate may not allow for crop growth. A good food supply is not readily available.