UNIT 3: Fairy Tales Flashcards
What is Culture?
Everything that human beings do that isn’t motivated solely by natural instinct. Sleeping is natural, not cultural, but sleeping using a pillow is cultural.
Culture includes tool-making and -using, creative and artistic expression, language development and use, and formulation of beliefs and values
Culture is also a word used to describe folk groups of individuals who share common cultural traits but who differ in some way(s) from members of other such groups
What is Tradition?
Meaningful cultural behavior (or lore) that exhibits continuity in time—often over several generations—and continuity in space (or among the folk, because by “space” we mean the people within a folk group).
What is a Narrative?
A story of any kind, almost always involving both plot (a sequence of causally and/or logically linked events) and characters (who both enact and react to the plot).
What is Orality?
A quality of anything that is spoken, chanted, recited, sung, or read aloud rather than written down or read quietly. Most folk or traditional narrative is oral in nature.
What is a Performance?
An artistic dimension of anything oral, performance refers either to an individual rendition of a traditional narrative (or song, or dance, or drama), which may well also constitute a unique variant of the work being performed. These performative features include tone of voice, dynamics, pacing, interaction with an audience, kinesthetic gestures, and costume
What is a Variant? What are the two types?
Any version of a folk/traditional narrative that bears a striking resemblance to another version of the same narrative.
monogenesis (multiple tellers imitating and/or modifying one initial, original version of a story)
polygenesis (different tellers independently arriving at the same basic tale type).
Who coined the term “Folklore”?
William John Thoms
What is/ Define The Folk in Folklore.
Any two or more people who share a common identity and at least one significant cultural expression in common, a community. Some folk groups are very broad and diverse (all Americans, or even all students at the same school), while some are very exclusive and specific (two best friends, or a secret society).
What is/ Define The Lore in Folklore. List some examples of Lore
Lore is traditional behavior or material shared by members of a folk group. Examples include:
Narratives and Languages
Non-Narrative Speech/ Slang
Music, Dance, and Dress
What are some things that aren’t folklore?
Fashion and Fads
Mass Produced Materials
Literature (Unless prefaced with the world oral)
List examples of Folk Narrative Genres (hint, List 8 examples)
Fairy Tale
Urban Legend
Folk Drama
What are some themes of Fairy Tales? (Hint: List 8)
Loss of Life
Loss of Innocence
What are some elements of literature that Fairy Tales represent? (Hint: List 3)
They operate outside of history
They usually evolve from a distant past
They usually involve magic
What are some binary concepts and ideas that Fairy tales present? (Hint: List 4)
Good vs Bad
Right vs Wrong
Male vs Female
Human vs Beast (Monster)
When Little Red Riding Hood was first written, who was the targeted audience?
Adult Audience of Aristocrats
Who documented the earliest version of Little Red Riding Hood
Paul Delarue
What are some morals that we can see in Little Red Riding Hood?
Girls/ Young Women must be careful around “Wolves” (young male aristocrats)
Allegory for Rape due to the violence and intentions of the wolf