Unit 3- Depression, Suicide & Eating Disorders Flashcards
What are the emotional symptoms of depression?
Depressed mood, sad, hopeless
What are the cognitive symptoms of depression?
Pessimism, suicidal thoughts, rumination
What are the behavioral symptoms of depression?
Fatigue, social withdrawal, speaking slowly, crying.
What are the physiological symptoms of depression?
Appetite and weight changes, sleep disturbances, physical aches and pains, decrease in sexual activity
What are the two stipulations one must have to be diagnosed with a major depressive episode?
- Depressed mood
- Diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all activities
Must be present nearly every day during the same two week period and represent a change from previous functioning.
What are the SIG E CAPS?
What is the major distinguishing feature of PDD?
At least two years and never been without SIG E CAPS symptoms for more than two months at a time.
What are the types of Persistent Depressive Disorder?
Pure Dysthymic Syndrome (Mild Depressive Symptoms without any MDEs)
Intermittent MDEs (Mild depressive symptoms and MDEs occurring intermittently)
Persistent MDE (Chronic Major Depression; a MDE lasting 2+ years)
What is depression comorbid with?
Substance use disorders, eating disorders, and personality disorders
What are the biological factors that play into depression?
- Genetics: moderately heritable
- Neurotransmitters: interactions between levels of serotonin and norepinephrine
- HPA Axis: dysregulation and over activity
- Circadian Rhythm: effect on sleep can increase risk for depression
What does Beck’s Cognitive Model about depression say?
- Critical incident like failing a test
- Then negative automatic thoughts about self, world, and future
- Leads to dysfunctional beliefs or self schemas
- Beliefs like “I’m incompetent” are then activated
What does Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Theory say about depression?
- Pessimistic attributional style when faced with negative life events
- Someone who is depressed will focus on nothing will ever work out for me, I won’t ever be able to change, it must be my fault.
What are the emotional symptoms of mania?
- Intense energy and enthusiasm
- Irritability
- Grandiosity
- Emotional lability
What are the cognitive symptoms of mania?
- Persistent goal-oriented thinking
- Flight of ideas
What are the behavioral symptoms of mania?
- Pressured speech
- Rapid motor movements
- Impulsive, illegal, risky behavior
What are the physiological symptoms of mania?
- Extreme restlessness
- Decreased sleep and not tired
What is a distinction between a manic episode and a hypomanic episode?
- Manic episode lasts at least one week and can cause marked impairment in function with hospitalization. A hypomanic episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment or hospitalization and duration is at least four days.
What is the major distinction between people with bipolar 1 and people with bipolar 2 disease?
People with Bipolar 1 disorder have at least one manic episode and also could experience hypomanic episodes. People with Bipolar II have not had a Manic Disorder ever.
What is the specifier for cyclothymic disorder?
For at least two years:
1. Numerous periods with hypomanic episodes that do not meet criteria for a hypomanic episode and numerous periods with depressive symptoms that do NOT meet criteria for a major depressive episode.
What is passive suicidal ideation?
Suicidal thoughts with no plan or intent to end one’s life
What is active suicidal ideation?
Suicidal thoughts that are with a plan or intent to end one’s life
What symptoms do eating disorders have in common?
Disordered eating/ eating pathology and body image disturbance.
What is a body image?
A multidimensional construct encompassing one’s mental picture of their body and attitude towards the physical self and influenced by sociocultural and contextual factors.
What is a body image disturbance?
A distorted perception of how someone sees their own body
What are the two subtypes of AN?
- Restricting type: weight loss accomplished through dieting, fasting, and/ or excessive exercise. NO presence of binge eating or purging behaviors in the last three months.
- Binge Eating: presence or recurrent binging or purging behaviors in past three months.