what is the WHO definition of health?
a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not just merely the absence of disease or infirmity
what are the limitations of the WHO definition of health?
- complete health is difficult/ rarely obtained
- absence of disease doesn’t ensure health
- missing spiritual/emotional health
what is wellbeing?
a complex combination of all dimensions of health, characterised by a balance in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged
what is the dynamic nature of health and well-being?
continually and constantly changing, can be rapid and intense, but most occur slowly
what is physical health and well-being?
relates to the functioning of the body and its systems. it includes the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks
what is social health and wellbeing?
relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations
what is mental health and wellbeing?
the current state of well-being relating to the mind or brain and it rekates to the ability to think and process information in order to positively from opinions and make decisions
what is emotional health and wellbeing?
relates to the ability to express feelings in a positive way. It is the ability to recognise, understand and effectively manage emotions
what is spiritual health and wellbeing?
relates to ideas, beliefs, values, and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings
what are some examples of physical H&W?
- appropriate body weight for height (BMI)
- consuming a healthy/ balanced diet
- functioning of the body’s organs and systems (immune)
-Freedom from illness, disease and injury
what are some examples of social H&W?
- participating within the community
- behaving appropriately in a range of situations
- Effective communication with others
- Supportive network of friends/ family
- Productive relationships with others
what are some examples of mental H&W?
- accepting oneself for who you are
- Positive thought patterns
- Low levels of stress and anxiety
- Positive self esteem and high confidence levels
what are some examples of emotional H&W?
- express and manage feelings openly in a positive way
- understanding your own/other’s personal feelings
- High level of resilience
- Appropriate emotions in different scenarios
- Effectively respond to emotions
what are some examples of spiritual H&W?
- Experiencing peace and harmony
- Sense of belonging/ connection to the world
- Positive meaning and purpose in life
what is subjective health and wellbeing?
influenced by or based on personal beliefs, feelings or opinions. Can be influenced by culture, age and personal experiences
what is health status?
an individuals or populations overall level of health, taking into account various factors such s life expectancy and disability
what are examples of optimal health and wellbeing as a resource individually?
- Reduces the risk of disease and preventable death
- increases ability of individuals to live free from pain and concentrate on activities that improve their
- Decreases stress and anxiety and promotes positive emotions
- Reduces healthcare costs for individuals
- Increases the amount of money that can be spent on other things, such as education, housing, food, leisure and social activities
what are examples of optimal health and wellbeing as a resource nationally (economic benefits)?
- Higher average incomes
- Greater productivity
- Less absenteeism from work
- Less reliance on social security
- Reduced healthcare and associated caring costs
what are examples of optimal health and wellbeing as a resource nationally (social benefits)?
- Improved life expectancy and other health outcomes
- Reduced levels of stress in the community
- More participants in social activities such as community activities and volunteering
what are examples of optimal health and wellbeing as a resource globally?
- Reduces the risk of infectious or communicable diseases spreading between countries
- Contributes to world peace and security
- People can be productive
- increased ability to access the resources require for a decent standard of living,
- Promotes sustainability**
- Allows for optimal trade between countries
- Better equipped to produce goods and services that can be traded on the global market
what is sustainability?
refers to having the resources to meet our needs now and in the future
what is self-assessed health status?
an individual’s own opinion about how they feel about their health, their state of mind and their life in general.
what is life expectancy?
the number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates do not change
what is health adjusted life expectancy (HALE)?
average length of time an individual at a specific age can expect to live in full health; that is time lived without the health consequences of diseases or injury
what is mortality?
relates to death, often at a population level
what is mortality rate?
the measure of the proportion of a population who die in a one-year period (usually per 100,000)
what is infant mortality?
deaths in children between birth and their first birthday
- Usually measured per 1000 live births
what is under 5 mortality rate?
relates to deaths in children between birth and their fifth birthday
- Measured per 1000 live births
what is maternal mortality rate?
death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks of delivery
- Usually measured per 100,000
what is morbidity rate?
how many people suffer from a particular condition during a given period of time
What is incidence?
refers to the number or rate of new cases of a disease/ condition in a population during a give period (usually 12 months)
what is prevalence?
the total number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time
What is burden of disease?
a measure of the impact of diseases and injuries specifically the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability
what is BOD measured in?
DALYs made up of YLL and YLD
What is YYL?
a measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death
- years of life lost
what is YLD?
a measure of how many healthy years of life is lost due to disease, injury or disability
- Also referred to as years lost due to disability