Unit 3 - Arthritis Flashcards
The word arthritis means “joint swelling” but arthritis isn’t just aches and pains. Arthritis has an enormous impact on quality of life.
It consists of…
more than 100 different conditions that can affect the joints.
Is arthritis a disease of the elderly?
Arthritis is not just a disease of the elderly; it can strike anyone at any time.
Arthritis costs
How much? In what? It is one of Canada's... Second only to? Ahead of?
more than $4 billion annually
in health care expenses and lost workday
most costly chronic conditions,
second only to cardiovascular disease
and ahead of cancer
Is arthritis common in Canada?
It one of the top three most common chronic diseases in Canada.
Compare/contrast disease rate in men/women
Arthritis effects nearly twice as many Canadian women as men.
Compare/contrast disease rate in
aboriginal women/non-aboriginal women
Aboriginal women are effected the most, with 70% aged 65 and older living with the disease, compared to 50% of non-aboriginal women in the same age group.
Rates of pain in arthritis
Over one-third (36%) of people with arthritis
deal with
severe to moderate pain,
compared with only 13% of people with non-arthritic conditions.
What is the most common type of arthritis?
Degenerative Arthritis
Degenerative Arthritis includes?
osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease
Degenerative Arthritis etiology
Describe condition
Etiology (4)
erosion of the cartilage by
inflammation + breakdown
or prolonged use
or excessive “wear and tear” on a joint
Degenerative Arthritis complications
bone underneath the worn cartilage thickens and may develop spurs
the joint can become swollen and painful
the loss of cartilage causes
loss of free movement of the joint
loss of shock absorption in weight bearing joints
Degenerative Arthritis main risk factor
more common as we age
Degenerative Arthritis
most common sites affected?
may also affect?
most common in the back, hips and knees
may effect
neck, shoulders,
fingers and toes, especially the halluxes
Degenerative Arthritis SX
How are joints affected?
Describe pain (3)
slow onset over a period of years
may effect one or more joints
often asymmetrical
pain, swelling and stiffness of effected joints lasting more that 2 weeks
pain gets worse the more the joint is used
rest provides relief of pain and discomfort
Diagnosis of Degenerative Arthritis (2)
physical examination
Goals and Treatments for Degenerative Arthritis:
maintain function and preserve joints
pain control
Degenerative Arthritis pain control (6)
topical creams and gels
non-narcotic analgesic e.g. acetaminophen
non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs);
e.g. ASA, ibuprofen, naproxen
COX 2 inhibitors
e.g., celecoxib (Celebrex)
oral corticosteroids
e.g., prednisone
Degenerative Arthritis injx - where?
intra-articular injection
Degenerative Arthritis injx - what? (2)
viscosupplementation (hyaluronic acid)
Degenerative Arthritis - viscosupplementation (hyaluronic acid) describe (3)
used for mild to moderate OA
a clear gel-like substance that lubricates cartilage and restores its viscoelasticity or ability to absorb shock
new and expensive
Degenerative Arthritis - complementary treatments? (2)
complementary supplements
e.g., glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate
Degenerative Arthritis - last resort Tx
surgery for joint replacement especially hips and knees
Inflammatory Arthritis includes?
Social justice live action role playing (game)
lupus erythematosus ankylosing spondilitis rheumatoid arthritis psoriatic arthritis scleroderma
juvenile arthritis
Inflammatory Arthritis - Etiology
Inflammatory arthritis is sometimes called?
sometimes called rheumatological disease, connective tissue disease or autoimmune disease
Inflammatory Arthritis - Etiology
exact cause is unknown but thought that infection, possibly viral agents and heredity play a part
Inflammatory Arthritis - Etiology
Starts with?
Resulting in?
starts a faulty immune response
that attacks the synovium lining of the joints
resulting in destruction of cartilage and bone
Inflammatory Arthritis - Etiology
The faulty immune response may also?
attack other tissues in the body
Inflammatory Arthritis - SX
How are joints affected?
Describe pain (3)
may have a slow or sudden onset
may effect several joints at once in a symmetrical pattern, often smaller joints first
may be chronic and steady or be more severe at times with periods of remission in between
aching, pain, stiffness, warmth, and swelling in joints
may have general symptoms of fatigue, fever or weight loss
Inflammatory Arthritis - SX
Does it affect joints only?
may effect other body systems: cardiac pulmonary renal neurological integumentary