unit 3 apush vocab Flashcards
revolution of 1800
peaceful transfer of power(spirit of the original revolution!)
Judicary Act of 1800
Federalist act passed that created sixteen new judgeship’s which gave federalist power
midnight judges
justices appointed by john adams to try to keep federalist in power
marbury v. madison
made judicial review a low
Louisiana purchase
purchase of land from france made by jefferson, doubled us territory
corps of discovery
team sent to explore new territory
orders in council
rules issued by britain to close french ports, caused french to seize vessels entering britain
act forcibly drafting people into military
Chesapeake affair
conflict between britain and us, british ships fire at america chesapeake
embargo act
banned export of all goods from us to any foreign port
non intercourse act
reopened trade with everyone but britain and france, came with repealment of embargo act
macons bill no 2
meant to resume peaceful trade with britain, if britain or france repealed trade restrictions, U.S would reinstate embargo act
war hawks
democrats that pressed madison to declare war
rush-bagot agreement
signed by britain and U.S, made strict limits on naval weapons on great lakes
tariff of 1816
first protective tariff, blocked new england from inflow of british imported goods
american system
henry clays bank, protective tariff, and federally funded transportation system
era of good feelings
name for the period after war that only one party ruled during James Monroes presidency
slavery prohibited north of 36, 30 line , allowed south of line
McCulloch v maryland
implied states cant infringe on federal government
loose construction
doctrine that federal gov. can use power not specially stated in constitution
cohens v virginia
said supreme court could review decisions of states
gibbons v odgen
said congress had sole power to regulate interstate trade
fletcher v peck
firmer protection for private property and gave supreme court right to invalidate state laws
dartmouth v woodward
case that protected corporations from domination by state gov
monroe doctrine
warned european powers against seeking new territories in U.S
spoils system
politicians gives gov. jobs to friends/family for support
tariff of abominations
unreasonably high duties on imports
nullification crisis
declared 1832 tariff null and void in S.C
compromise tariff of 1833
resolved nullification crisis, provided tariffs lowered over ten years
indian removal act
ordered removal of N.A tribes by Andrew Jackson
trail of tears
forced march of 15,00 indians to indian territory, many died
bank war
battle between president jackson and congress supporters of bank of U.S, ends with Jackson vetoing bank bill
specie circular
U.S decree by andrew jackson that required land be purchased by silver or gold