unit 3 aos1b Flashcards
smoking health concerns
cardio vascular disease, cancer, infancy conerns (low birth weight)
alcohol health concerns
liver cancer, weight gain (high BMI, cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes)
High BMI health concerns
cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health issues
underconsumption of veg and fruit impacts
low fibre intake causing weight gain
underconsumption of veg and fruit link to HS
increased prevalence of cardiovascular and cancer
underconsumption of veg and fruit link to BOD
YLL and YLD for high BMI (cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes)
underconsumption of dairy impacts
calcium intake low, calcium required for strong bones and teeth
underconsumption of dairy link to HS
morbidity due to osteoporosis
underconsumption of dairy link to BOD
YLD as result of osteoporosis
high intake of fat impacts
energy dense leads to weight gain, LDL cholesterol speeding up atherosclerosis
high intake of fat link to HS
higher mortality and morbidity rates for cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer
high intake of fat link to BOD
increased DALY for cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer
high intake of sugar impacts
stored as fat if consumed in excess
high intake of sugar link to HS
higher mortality due to high BMI and associated conditions, incidence and prevalence of dental caries
high intake of sugar link to BOD
can contribute to dental decay, which contributes to YLD, especially for children.
high intake of salt impacts
Draws fluid out of cells which increases blood volume and blood pressure
high intake of salt link to HS
Morbidity and mortality rates due to hypertension, heart failure, stroke and heart attack
high intake of salt link to BOD
Can contribute to higher levels of hypertension, which can increase the incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular and increase the DALY associated with these conditions
low intake of fibre link to HS
-Increased morbidity and mortality rates from colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease.
low intake of fibre link to BOD
Contributes to DALY associated with colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease
low intake of iron link to HS
Incidence and prevalence of anaemia
low intake of iron link to BOD
YLD due to anaemia, especially among females of child bearing age.
a measure of how many healthy years of life lost due to disease, disability or injury
a measure of how many expected years of life lost due to premature death
death levels
ill health levels
burden of disease
a measure of the impact of disease and injuries, in a unit called DALY
life expectancy
the number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates dont change.
list the biological factors
- Genetics
- Body weight
- Blood pressure
- Age
- Birthweight
Individual risk of disease such as breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes
body weight
Overweight and obesity- at risk of cardiovascular, cancer, type 2 diabetes
blood cholesterol
Cholesterol is used for production of hormones and vitamin D
bad build up of cholesterol in arteries
good cholesterol
blood pressure
Hypertension- persistently high blood pressure
Leads to heart failure and atherosclerosis leads to heart attack or stroke
Less than 2.5kg is considered low
More likely to have medical conditions such as high blood pressure heart disease and diabetes
list sociocultural factors
- Early life experience
- Access to healthcare
- Social isolation
- Unemployment
Having suffiecient income to buy nutrious foods such as fresh fruits which may improve HS
a long period may lead to feelings of failure/worthlessness leading to increased mordibity from depression and self harm
social isolation
People who are isolated from others have no one to go to in difficult times leading to higher rates of morbidity from depression.
list environmental factors
- Work environment
- Urban design and infrastructure
- Climate change
- Housing
- Geographical location
work environment
Back injuries from heavy lifting
Cuts from power tools
urban design and infrastructure
Proximity to hospitals
geographical location
Living in isolation making it difficult to access fresh foods
male and female variations
- life expectancy is 4 years lower than females
- males have higher mortality rates
- males experience higher burden of disease
- Higher rates of cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes, injuries (violence)
male and female biological link
- Higher rates of overweight and obesity in males
- Testosterone increases risk taking behaviours, injuries
male and female sociocultural link
- Males have more dangerous occupations generally
- Gender roles – expected to be tough or ‘macho’
male and female environmental link
- Exposure to dangerous workplaces - Building sites
- Outdoor areas (UV exposure)
indigenous and non variations
- Life expectancy us 10 years less for Indigenous people
- Higher mortality rates
- Higher rates of non-communicable diseases; asthma, cancer, obesity
- Higher rates of dental and gum disease
- Higher rates of communicable disease; STIs
Indigenous and non biological
Higher rates of:
* - Obesity
* - Hypertension
* - Low birth weight babies
indigenous and non sociocultural
- Lower SES (occupation, education and income)
- Higher rates of unemployment
- Social exclusion and discrimination
- Lack of access to health care (culturally)
indigenous and non environmental
- Poorer quality housing
- Poorer water and sanitation systems
- Remote areas with great distances to healthcare/supermarket
- Exposure to tobacco smoke
A persons position in society, in relation to others based on their income, occupation and education levels.
variations in SES
o - Lower life expectancy (3 years)
o - Higher mortality rates
o - Higher rates of non-communicable diseases; type 2 diabetes, lung cancer
o - Higher rates of injury
o - 2 x the rate of mental and behavioural problems
biological ses
Higher obesity rates
o - Higher rates of hypertension
o Higher rates of low birth weight babies
sociocultural ses
- More likely to be unemployed
- Lower education levels/health literacy
- Higher rates of social exclusion
environmental set
- Higher rates of environmental tobacco smoke exposure
- Poorer housing
- Dangerous working environments
- More exposure to fast food outlets
cities and outside cities variations
Those living outside cities experience lower life expectancy (7 years)
o - Higher YLD and YLL increasing with remoteness
o - Higher rates of obesity, dental decay, cancer; unable to get treatment
cities and outside cities biological
o - Higher rates of obesity
o - Higher rates of hypertension
o - Low birth weight babies
cities and outside cities sociocultural
o - Lower SES
o - Lower health literacy
o - Higher rates of unemployment or dangerous occupations
cities and outside environmental
o - Poorer road quality
o - Lack of geographical access to health services, education etc
o - Harsher climates, sun exposure