Unit 3 - AOS 1B Flashcards
Define ‘management style’
A management style is the way in which a manager makes decisions and communicates with employees.
Factors that influence management style
The managers personality
The nature of the task/situation
The experience of employees
The time frame available
Autocratic Manager Pros + Cons and Suitability
Manager makes all decisions (centralized) and tells staff what to do.
PROS; Decisions are made quickly. Clear direction is given to employees as they know their role.
CONS; Ideas aren’t encouraged - may reduce moral. Poor relationships are formed with employees and their skills aren’t developed.
SUITABLE; when TIME is lacking, when employees lack EXPERIENCE, when simple TASKS are the outcome.
Persuasive Manager Pros + Cons and Suitability
Manager makes all decisions (centralized) and the explains these decisions to staff to make them more accepting of it.
PROS; Decisions made quickly, support for the decision can be gained by providing more information - employees feel more valued.
CONS; No employee input - job dissatisfaction and frustration as ideas aren’t heard.
SUITABLE; when TIME is lacking, when employees lack KNOWLEDGE or EXPERIENCE, when simple TASKS are the outcome.
Consultative Manager Pros + Cons and Suitability
Manager seeks feedback from employees before making a still centralized decision.
PROS; More ideas = better quality decision. Employees are more involved which increase job satisfaction, confidence and moral.
CONS; More time consuming, ideas may be overlooked causing conflict. Employees may lack experience/knowledge to contribute.
SUITABLE; when TIME isn’t of concern. when employees have EXPEIENCE and KNOWLEDGE to contribute, when complex TASKS/PROBLEMS must be solved.
Participative Pros + Cons and Suitability
Manager joins in with staff to make a decentralized decision - high staff involvement.
PROS; Lots of ideas = high quality decision, builds employee - manager relationships, increases staff motivation as they are a part of the decision.
CONS; time consuming, conflicts may occur over the best decision, limits a managers role and employees work time.
SUITABLE; when TIME is available, when employees have high amounts of EXPERIENCE/KNOWLEDGE, when problem solving is needed for complex TASKS.
Laissez-Faire Pros + Cons and Suitability
Manager gives employees full responsibility for the operations - resulting in horizontal and two-way communication.
PROS; Sense of ownership among employees = high motivation. Encourages creativity and teamwork through open communication.
CONS; Loss of management control, possible misuse of resources, can cause worker conflict and loss of objectives.
SUITABLE; for all TIME situations, when employees are highly SKILLED and EXPERIENCED, when TASKS require high creativity.
Define ‘Skills’
The ability to do something well, gained through training and experience.
Delegation (PROS and CONS)
Is the passing of authority and responsibility of a task from manager to employee. However the delegator is still held responsible.
PROS; It can improve manager - employee trust creating a positive work culture. Manager is given more time to complete other tasks. Employees feel valued.
CONS; Manager cant delegate vital tasks. Employee might not complete a task well - hurting business operations. Employees may be overwhelmed.
Interpersonal Skills
Are skills used every day to communicate and interact with other people in groups and individually. In business terms this is usually an employees ability to get along with co-workers whilst completing work.
Having GOOD interpersonal skills allows managers to communicate accurately and honestly whilst maintaining a positive relationship with workers. It also builds a culture where relationships are valued.
Having BAD interpersonal skills leads to negative relationships with employees.
Communication Skills
Is a process of creating and exchanging information between people that produces the required response -allowing feedback to be gained.
This skill is essential to managers as they must be able to clarify with employees tasks that must be completed.
Leaderships Skills + QUALITIES
Is the process of influencing and motivating employees to achieve business objectives and goals. This is done by establishing a vision, sharing that vision with staff and coordinating workers to achieve that vision.
DECISIONS MAKING; Looks at a range of alternatives and is able to select the most appropriate one.
INFORMATIONAL: Gathers and shares information about the business company with employees and shareholders.
INTERPERSONAL: Actively listens and communicates with a wide rang of people.
Decision Making Skills
A multistep approach, whereby a selection is made between a range of alternatives, this decision is most likely to help achieve business objectives. Considers how actions will affect the business.
The decision must be informed by evidence or by gut feel of an experienced manager.
Planning Skills
A formalized decision making process that is future orientated. This involves understanding the purpose of a business and formulating the various levels of objectives for the business. Strategic Panning (2-5y); Long term planning undertaken by senior management to achieve business objectives. Tactile Planning (1-2y); Mid term planning that assists in implementing strategic decisions. Operational Planning; The detailed short term planning.
The Planning Process
Complete a SWOT analysis; internal strengths and weaknesses + external opportunities and threats. This allows a business to see where it is standing and therefore figure out where it wants to go.
Develop a range of alternatives that help achieve objectives.
Implement and monitor the most appropriate objective.
Autocratic Management - Linked to Management Skills
DELEGATION; Management identifies problem and delegates task to a lower level.
DECISION; Management makes decisions on its own - these have to be done well as their is no feedback.
LEADING; Management directs + controls staff, they also determine business direction/vision, staff must be properly motivated.
PLANNING; Management decides what will occur with no consultation of others - must be done well.
COMMUNICATION; Employees are directed to tasks. One-way.
Persuasive Management - Linked to Management Skills
DELEGATION; Management identifies a problem and delegates a task to staff - explaining why.
DECISION; Management makes decisions and explains them to workers.
LEADING; Management directs + controls staff whilst informing them on what they are doing.
PLANNING; Top management decides what will occur and explains this to others. Must be done well.
COMMUNICATION; Employees are directed - these directives are explained to gain agreement must be clear as no feedback will return.
Consultative Management - Linked to Management Skills
DELEGATION; Managment May identifya problem and consult staff; however they will give staff something to do to solve this problem.
DECISION; Management considers staff solutions but makes final decision.
LEADING; Management recognises staff contribution. They have some input into business direction and may lead their own teams.
PLANNING; Management seeks ideas from others which are taken into consideration for their decision.
COMMUNICATION; Is two way, it is encouraged and time + effort is put in to consult all stakeholders.
INTERPERSONAL; Very important to ensure employees are correctly understood, this then creates happy and satisfied employees.
Participative Management - Linked to Management Skills
DELEGATION; Subordinates are given problems that they then solve with th whelp if managment.
DECISION; Staff make their own decisions on their area of responsibility.
LEADING; Staff contribution is recognised. Leadership is distributed across the business.
PLANNING; Management + staff jointly plan business strategies.
COMMMUNICATION; Important here as communication is two way.
INTERPERSONAL; Highly important as so that employees are correctly understood and communication occurs properly - otherwise consequences.
Laisse-Faire Management - Linked to Management Skills
DELEGATION; Staff are delegated full responsibility for a task.
DECISION; Staff make their own decisions.
LEADING; Staff are independent and self motivated. Are able to lead + determine what they must do.
PLANNING; Staff plan what they will do and when. Management must have clearly planned objectives so that staff can work to these on their own.
COMMUNICATION; Open communication occurs, but less often and is likely to be bottom up.
Define Corporate Culture
Is the shared values and beliefs of the people within an organization. Is displayed through both real and official versions of this.
What is real corporate culture?
Real corporate culture refers to the actual shared values and beliefs of people within a business. It’s what customers and shareholders will see within a business and is a part of its image.
What is Official corporate culture?
This refers to the public mission statements and policies of a company that are written and established.
Five Elements of Corporate Culture…
Communication - How management communicates with staff and how staff communicate with each other.
Core Values - What the business values most, these provide direction for business operations.
Physical Environment- The space in which employees work. A team oriented office may have an open work station plan.
Rituals and Celebrations- Regularly occurring events or celebrations that increase moral.
Hero’s - People to “look up to” that demonstrate the business values. Ie: employee of the month.