Unit 3 and 4 Flashcards
A permanent move to a new location
Covering all types of movement from one place to another
Daily, regular basic movements
Migration from a location
Migration to a location
The difference in numbers between immigrants and the number of emigrants
Net migration
A permanent move from one country to another
International migration
Changes in a society comparable to those in the demographic transition.
Migration translation (Migration Transition Model)
The migrant has choose to move
Voluntary migration
The migrant has been compelled to move
Forced migration
A permanent move within the same country
Internal migration
Is movement from one region of a country to another
Interregional migration
Is movement within one region
Intraregional migration
Counter urbanization
Induces people to move out of their current or present location. Induces people to move to a new location.
Push and Pull factors
Has been forced to migrate due to some sort of violence.
Has been forced to migrate for political reasons.
Internal displayed person (IDP)
Someone who moves to another country and hopes to be recognized as a refugee.
Asylum seeker
Land to a desert like condition typically due to human actions.
An environmental or political feature that hinders migration.
Intervening obstacle
The transfer of money by workers to people in the country from which they emigration from.
Term preferred by academic observers.
Unauthorized immigrants
Maximum limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the U.S during a one year period
A large scale emigration by talented people
Brain drain
The migration of people to a specific location because relatives previously migrated there.
Chain migration
Where immigrates from poorer countries were allowed to immigrant temporarily to get jobs.
Guest worker
A temporary movement of a migrant worker between home and host country to seek employment
Circular migration
A feature that causes a migrant to choose another destination other than his home country
Intervening opportunity
The associations and uses that have a sense of history for a specific place
Cultural landscape
Communities where a distinct culture is
Ethnic neighborhoods or enclaves
The migration from city to village or village to farm
Step migration
This happened around the industrial revolution. People move mostly for economic advancement.