Unit 3 &4 sec 1 Flashcards
Vibration of ventricular walls from frapid filling occurs during diastole
Normal in healthy children and adults up to 40yrs
After 40yrs indicates illness-left ventricular valve
Heard best at apex of heart
Sounds like Ken-tuc-ky
Atrial gallop
Caused by the vibration of the heart valves & ventricular walls
Normal in healthy adults abnormal in children& young adults
Sounds like Ten-nes-see
Early or late be3at or missed beat
Threatens the heart’s ability to provide cardio Output
Heart Mumurs
Extra Sounds
Distingushed from heart sunds by longer duration
Increased blood flow across a normal valve
Flow across irregulaer valve or into an enlarged heart chamber
Backflow throughh an insufficent valve that fails to close
Sound: Swishing & blowing souns
Intensity of sund is related to rate of blood flow
Normal Heart Sound
S1-lub closing of artrioventricular valves high pitch-kinda dull Tricuspid & mitiral S2-dub closing of semilunar valves Pulmonary & Aortic shorter than S1
Strongest organ
Avg. 70-80 bpm
Hollow muscular organ
Located left of the midline, between lungs
Base -upper portion
Apex-lower portion-don’t get confused apex means point but not in this case
Cardiac Output
Amount of blood pumped per minute
SVx Pulse rate(HR)=CO
Stroke Volume
The amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle at each heartbeat.
Avg: 70ml
Apical Pulse
Hear over 4 & 5 intercostal spaces left of midline, that is the point of maximum impulse(PMI)
Point of maximum impulse is between 4 & 5 intercostal space to hear
Hear S2
Base of heart
Aoritic Area
2nd ICS-right of the sternum
Pulmonic Area
2nd ICS-left side of sternum
Hear S1
Apex of heart
5 ICSl-left of sternum
Left of midclavicular area( striaght down from nipple)
Pulse Site’s
Temporal-not on adults but on infants Carotid Brachial-little finger side Radial-thumb side Femoral-press deeply Popliteal-press deeply Posterior tibial-back of ankel Dorsalis pedis-top of foot- follow ridge between big toe &2nd toe up to top of foot
Pulse rate
of piulsations felt over peripheral artery or heard over apex. Adult 60-100
slow heartbeat-below 60
fast heartbeat-above 100