unit 3 & 4 Flashcards
what are competences and what do they depend on?
Observable and measurable behaviours that lead individuals to success. You need a coach, teacher, boss’s help to acquire them. They depend on:
1. Talent born with, abilities
2. Knowledge (studying, education, degrees)
3. Extrinsic, intrinsic & transcendental motivation. You hope to get/achieve something.
4. Skills: learned and with practice
what are the 3 motivations
- Intrinsic: personal satisfaction (learn, to do a good job). Without intrinsic motivation = minimum effort and low results.
- Extrinsic: from outside. Economic incentive (positive) or punishment (negative)
- Contribution or transcendental: for the good of people
what are the 2 main meta-competences
- Adaptability to change
- Self-awareness
what are the core competences in a company?
- Accountability
- Adaptability
- Communication
- Customer/quality focus
- Inclusiveness
- Leadership
- Occupational knowledge / technological orientation
- Team focus
- Initiative-problem solving
- Entrepreneurship
- Emotional intelligence
- Ethics (integrity, honesty, hard working)
why are you failing competences
- Lack of self-esteem
- Lack of will power (self-control) to
- Lack of emotional intelligence
what belongs to hrm planning?
- Forecast HR demands
How many employees the company needs - Forecast HR supply
What type of employees are available in the job market and in the company? How long do they last at the job? - Matching supply & demand
what types of recruiting is there and explain
- External recruiting from outside the company
Takes 3 years to perform as well as internally hired. More expensive and less productive for first 3 years. But are a good resource for fields that the company cannot train in-house or for small companies without training programs. - Internal recruiting from inside the company
The internal hires take 7 years to make the same money external hires get
what should ads for recruiting include
- Mission, responsibilities, candidate’s profile, etc.
- Requirements: education, experience, languages
- Candidate’s competences
- What the company offers
what are the problems of algorithms?
- Data science uses past data to predict future, and things are changing constantly. What was necessary yesterday, may not be necessary today.
- Data science uses variables that can discriminate against certain areas, such as commuting distance to the job
- Algorithms are expensive and cut corners, they may only look at best performers (one attribute only), for instance, instead of at all performers
- Privacy violation. Data science is promising, but it is worrisome. Because it can get into one’s private life.
- We’ve got algorithms all wrong. We think about them as if they’re immutable science. They’re used to heavily they don’t just predict the future, they cause the future
- Reinforce a problem, based on wrong past experience. Make lucky people, luckier and unlucky people, unluckier.
- They are not objective, because they are written by humans, who are not objective.
- Human analysts are the ones that decide at the end (gathering information about the employees and making predictions, how long the employees will stay at the company, what their performance will be…). It is worrisome that AI make those type of decisions.
- More than 100 suppliers/vendors are creating and selling those tools like if they were the magic tool
- They promote the use of predictable variables (not taking into consideration the context). They use things that are easy to measure, facial expressions, word choice, comments on social media, etc. For instance, they just look at attributes of the best performer (subjective). This is not very useful.
- Few employers collect the huge amount of data that algorithms require to make accurate predictions. It is expensive.
what should a leader have?
- Expertise
- Ability to listen, empathy, proximity
- Social skills
- Communication skills
- Open minded, receptive, dialogue
- Compromise
- Emotional intelligence
- Role models
what are the advantages and challenges of hiring diversity?
- Entering new markets: languages, customs
- Other points of view
- Integration
- Language barrier
- Cultural barrier
tell something about brain development
- Newborns are born with millions of neurons, but most of them are not connected. That is why they do so little, because they don’t have connections among the neurons and don’t have circuits.
- Therefore, in the first months of life, the necessary connections must be created so that the child can start doing things. They create between 700 to 1000 connections per second.
- The connections that are reinforced form the circuits that shape the child’s brain
- If during the first years of life, the child is ignored, abandoned, mistreated, abused, etc. The required brain circuits for a healthy brain at each stage are not built properly. This means that the foundations of the brain are not well formed, with negative consequences (physical-health, cognitive and psychological) for life.
The human brain takes 25 years to form. It is the only organ that keeps on forming after birth and until around age 25.
- This is why we are the most intelligence creature on earth
- But this makes us very vulnerable because we depend on our family, teachers.. We depend on positive loving environment to develop a healthy brain.
what happens with the brain during adolescence?
- Pruning = eliminate all the connections that are not being used
- Myelin = it is like an electrical tape that covers the neurons to make the information go faster.
- The development of Pre-frontal cortex: responsible for the executive function: reasoning, planning, abstraction, mental flexibility, self-control….
what is the halo effect and the horn effect
Halo effect
The positive opinions/impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area, influences us to have a positive opinion in a completely different area.
Horn effect
- The opposite of the halo effect
- A negative opinion, impression of somebody, company, makes us have a negative opinion in a completely unrelated area.