Unit 3 Flashcards
How do bonds hold toms together in metallic bonding?
The force of attraction between positive metal ions and the delocalised electrons holds the atoms together
Why can metals conduct electricity
They can conduct electricity becuase they have electrons which are free to move
Electricallly conduction solutions containing ions
Naturally occurring metal compounds found in rocks
Decomposition of an ionic compound into its element using electricity
Why would D.C. power supply be used
So that the products at each electrode can be identified
What’s the purpose of an ion bridge
To allow ions to flow and complete circuit
What is the industrial process used to produce ammonia
The Haber Process
Name 3 essential elements required for healthy plant growth
- nitrogen
- potassium
- phosphorus
Why must fertilisers be soluble in water
So they can be absorbed by root of plants
Long chain molecules formed by joining together a large molecule of small molecules called monomers
Molecules used to make a much larger molecule.
Addition polymerisation
Name given to a chemical reaction in which unsaturated monomers are joined, forming a polymer.
Most accurate way to measure volumes
- pipettes
- burette
What is ammonia
An important compounds used to produce soluble, nitrogen containing salts that can be used as fertilisers
What is meant by a base
A substance that neutralises an acid