Unit 3 Flashcards
What is the age range for the formal operational stage according to Piaget’s Theory?
11 to adulthood
What are the characteristics of Formal Operational thought?
Individuals can think abstractly, use abstract reasoning, imagine the outcome of actions, and use hypothetical-deductive reasoning
What is hypothetical-deductive reasoning?
The ability to think by creating hypotheses, making testable inferences, and isolating and combining variables to confirm inferences.
What is an example of Hypothetical reasoning?
Considering the value of volunteering to help elderly people with dementia
Describe Piaget’s pendulum problem.
Adolescents test variables such as the length of a string, weight of an object, and the forces used to push the object to determine what affects the swing of a pendulum.
How do concrete operational children approach the pendulum problem differently than those in the formal operational stage?
Concrete operational children cannot separate the effects of each variable and approach the problem randomly
What is deductive reasoning?
Top-down reasoning that starts with an abstract ideia or premise and uses logic to draw conclusions.
Give an example of deductive reasoning
All mammals can walk. Whales are mammals. Therefore, whales can walk
What is propositional thought?
The ability to evaluate the logic of verbal statements without referring to real-world circumstance
Give an example of inductive reasoning
Knowing that whales cannot walk despite the logic that states
How did school-age children respond to the propositional thought experiment with poker chips in the first condition?
The children stated that they were uncertain about both statements because they focused on the concrete properties of the chips.
How did adolescents respond to the propositional thought experiement with poker chips?
Adolescents understood the logic of the statements, recognizing that “either-or” statements are always true and “and”2 statements are always false regardless of the chip color
When can younger children (4-6 years old) reason logically about propositions?
When simple permises that contradict real-world knowledge are presented during make-believe play.
What is a critique of piaget’s theory of cognitive development?
Piaget often failed to distinguish between competence and performance, assuming a lack of competence if a child couldn’t complete a task.
What is another critique of piaget’s theory of cognitive developmennt?
Not all individuals reach the formal operational stage