Unit 3 Flashcards
Electromagnetic Spectrum
the full range of electromagnetic radiation, organized by frequency or wavelength
En (total energy of nth state)
En= (-2.18 x 10^-18 J)(z^2/n^2)
En= (-13.6 eV)z^2/n^2)
atomic number, the charge number of an atomic nucleus
eV (electric volt)
1.602 x 10^-19 J
a0= 52.9 pm
Bohr radius (the most probable distance between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and its single electron when the atom is in its ground state (lowest energy level))
1 x 10^-12 m
-rn= (n^2/z) x a0
-radius of orbit of electron when atom is in nth state
spectrum of incoming light
the distribution of different wavelengths of light (colors) that are hitting a substance
distinct energy
the concept that electrons in an atom can only occupy specific, fixed energy levels, meaning they can only have certain distinct values of energy, not a continuous range of energies
line in spectrum
each line represents a unique λ
spectrum of elements
each element has a unique spectrum
Bohr’s model of the atom
-atoms exist in discrete or quantized states
-these energy states are described by a quantum number (n=1, 2, 3,…)
-atom transitions between energy states in quantum leaps
-energy is conserved, the energy of the quantum leap is the energy of the photon emitted or absorbed by the atom
-Bohr’s energy equation is applied to one electron atoms/ions
-total energies of bound states are negative and conserved
quantum leap
a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something
-Eph= -∆E(atom)
-atom loses energy
-atom becomes more stable
-atom (ion) gains energy
-atom becomes less stable
binding energy
the amount of energy needed to completely remove an electron from its orbit around the nucleus
first excited state
On the energy level diagram of a system, the state immediately above the ground state
ground state
The state of lowest energy for an atom, molecule, or collection of molecules
Å (angstrom)
1 x 10^-10 m
bound system
- -E(tot)
-a collection of atoms or molecules held together by attractive forces, where the total energy of the system is negative