Unit 3 Flashcards
lib vs conserv
Radical =
Liberal =
Moderate =
Conservative =
Reactionary =
Radical definition -
favor extreme change t create entirely new social system.
Liberal Definition -
believes the government must take action to change economic, political, and ideological policies that are unfair.
moderate definition -
take a strong stance on few issues, believes compromise is key in preventing polarization of political policies. Practical solutions to public issues.
Conservative definition -
seeks to keep in place the economic, political, and ideological structures of society.
Reactionary definition -
favor extreme change to RESTORE society to an earlier state.
Background checks at gun shows should be required.
Democrat liberal
Abortion should be illegal
republican conservative
When a school district receives federal funds to teach children, and they don’t, parents should get the money
republican conservative
The U.S. needs to increase military spending
republican conservative