Unit 3 Flashcards
give sb the boot
Give sb the sack
a lame duck
A person or company that is a failure
feel the pinch
Suffer financially
step into sb’s shoes
Replace sb, do they work of others because they are unable to do it
a firm hand
Control and discipline
pay dividends
Bring advantages at a later date**
feel hard done by
Feel unfairly treated
feel like jelly | turn to jelly
(Legs/knees) feel weak because you are nervous
feel it in your bones that
Be certain about sth although you have no direct proof of it
feel like death warmed up
Feel very ill, tired
feel like a million dollars/bucks
Feel extremely good
feel small
Feel stupid, weak
not feel up to the mark | not feel yourself
Not feel healthy or well
give it up for sb
Show your approval of sb by clapping your hands
give sb what for
Severely punish or criticise sb for doing sth wrong