unit 2c: pn, in, rn, special characteristics Flashcards
where does luke’s infancy narrative start?
nazareth, galilee
where does matthew’s infany narrative start?
Jesus is born in a manger in
luke’s gospel
baby jesus is visited by who in Matthew
magi, wise men
what is the story called in synoptic gospels when Jesus prays asking God to spare him from death
agony in the garden of gethsemane
what gospel did king herod order the massacre of baby boys
matthew infancy narrative
since king herod ordering the killing of baby boys to kill Jesus is similar to a story in Exodus when Moses was born, it is called an
allusion to the OT
in luke’s passion narrative Jesus on the cross says
“Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
In matthews passion narrative, Judas
hangs himself
in luke baby Jesus is visited by
in synoptic gospels last supper is
passover meal
only in matthew there is a
how many of the 4 gospels contain infancy narratives?
the infancy narratives of matthew and luke are
very different
at the last supper Jesus predicts judas will
betray him
matthew likes to do what more than the other gospels
connect Jesus to Hebrew scriptures with prophecy fulfillment citations
at the end of mark and luke is the story of Jesus’
only in which gospel does Jesus promise paradise to one of the men next to him
matthew begins his gospel with
a genealogy of Jesus
elements in matthews infancy narrative
magi, star, Herod kills baby boys, angel speaks to Joseph in dreams
elements in luke’s infancy narrative
angel Gabriel appears to Mary, birth of John the Bap, journey to Bethlehem, shepherds, manger, census, no room at the inn
mark’s passion narrative events in order
anointing at bethany, lord’s supoper, agony in gethsemane, jesus is arrested, trial before sanhedrin, peter’s denials, trial before pontius pilate, jesus mocked by soldiers, jesus carries his cross, jesus dies, jesus is buried
matthew and lukes infancy narratives have
different storylines
did matthew copy from mark in his passion narrative?
who was the first person to see risen Jesus in the synoptic ressurrection narratives
mary magdalene
did luke copy from mark in his infancy narrative?
did all 3 synoptic passion narratives give the same last words of Jesus on the cross?
what happened in luke’s resurrection story called walk to emmaus?
2 disciples didn’t recognize risen Jesus until he broke bread with them