unit 25 Flashcards
associate (asóufièit]
v. To associate means to connect something with a person or thing. Most people associate birthday parties with having fun.
environment (invaiǝrǝnment]
n. The environment is the place where people work or live. Keeping our environment clean is important to our health.
factory [fæktǝri]
n. A factory is a building where things are made or put together. We have only one factory in our town.
feature (fitfǝr]
n. A feature is an important part of something. The cell phone has many features.
instance [instans]
n. An instance is an example of something. I have never experienced an instance of hate. Have you?
involve [inválv]
v. To involve means to include as an active participant. The whole family was involved in playing the game.
medicine [médəsin]
n. Medicine is something you take to feel better or treat an illness. The doctor gave me medicine for my cold.
mix [miks]
n. A mix is different things put together. The green mix we made in science class spilled onto the table.
organize [5:rgǝnȧiz]
v. To organize is to plan or get ready for an event. Make a list to help you organize the things you need.
period [pizariǝd]
n. A period is an amount of time when something happens. In one period in Europe there were many knights.
populate [pȧpjǝleit]
v. If people populate an area they live there. Billions of people populate the Earth.
produce [prǝdjú:s]
v. To produce something is to make or grow it. This tree produces apples every year.
range [reind3]
n. A range is a number or a set of similar things. I saw a range of cars to choose from.
recognize [rékagnàiz]
v. To recognize something is to know it because you have seen it before. I recognized an old friend from many years ago.
regular [régjuler]
adj. If something is regular it happens often and in equal amounts of time. Our regular lunch time is around noon.
sign [sain]
n. A sign is an indication giving information directions a warning etc. The sign indicated that today would be a bad day.
tip [tip]
n. A tip is a pointed end of something. The tip of his pen was very sharp..
tradition [tradifən]
n. A tradition is something people have been doing for a long time. Marriage is a tradition all over the world.
trash [træЛ]
n. Trash is waste material or unwanted or worthless things.. Please take out the trash; it smells bad.
wide [waid]
adj. If something is wide it is large from side to side. The door was as wide as my arms.