Unit 22: N.D.A Flashcards
HORATIO: What news, my lord?
O, wonderful.
HORATIO: Good my lord, tell it.
No, you will reveal it.
MARCELLA: Nor I, my lord.
How say you then-
How say you then-
would heart of man think it?
would heart of man think it?-
But you’ll be secret?
HORATIO: Ay, by heaven.
There’s never a villain dwelling in all Denmark
There’s never a villain dwelling in all Denmark
But he’s an arrant knave
HORATIO: There needs no ghost, my lord, come from the grave
To tell us this.
Why, right,
Why, right,
you are in the right!
you are in the right!
And now, good friends,
And now, good friends,
As you are friends,
As you are friends,
scholars and soldiers,
scholars and soldiers,
Give me one poor request.
HORATIO: What is’t, my lord? We will.
Never make known what you have seen tonight.
HORATIO/MARCELLUS: My lord, we will not.
Nay, but swear’t.
HORATIO: O day and night, but this is wondrous strange.
And therefore as a stranger give it welcome:
And therefore as a strange give it welcome:
There are more things in heaven and earth,
There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
But come,
But come,
Let us go in together
Let us go in together
And still your fingers on your lips,
And still your fingers on your lips,
I pray.
I pray.
The time is out of joint;
The time is out of joint;
O cursed spite
O cursed spite
That ever I was born to set it right!