Unit 21: environmental issues and the real estate transaction Flashcards
A mineral once used in insulation and other materials that can cause respiratory diesease.
Defunct, derelict, or abandoned commercial or industrial sites, many have toxic wastes.
The process of laying two to four feet of soil over the top of a landfill site and then planting grass on it to enhance the aesthetic value and prevent erosion.
carbon monoxide (CO)
A colorless, odorles gas that occurs as a by product of fuel combustion that may result in death and poorly ventilated areas.
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Nontoxic, nonflammable chemicals containing atoms of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, such as air conditioners and refrigerators. CFCs are safe in application but cause ozone depletion.
comprehensive environmental response, compensation, ad liability act (CERLA)
A federal law administered by the environmental protection age4ncy that establishes a process for identifying parties responsible for creating hazardous waste sties, forcing liable parties to clean up toxic sites, bringing legal action against responsible parties and funding the abatement of toxic sites. See also superfund.
A method of controlling environmental contamination by sealing off a dangerous substance, such as asestos.
environmental impact statement (EIS)
a statement that details the impact a project will have on the environment
environmental site assessment (ESA)
An evaluation of property to show that due care was exercised in the determination of environmenal impairments.
An air pollutant that is a colorless chemical used to manufacture building materials and many household products, such a particleboard, hardwood plywood panaleing, and unre-formaldehyde foam insulation.
Water that exists under the earth’s surface within the tiny spaces or crevices in geological formations.
hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
The process used to extract natual gas from the deep layers of ock in which it is embedded.
Used as pigment and drying agent in alkyd oil-based paint in about 75% of housing built before 1978. An elevate level of lea in the body can cause serious damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells. Children yuonger than six are most vulnerable.
lead-based paint hazard reduction act (LBPHRA)
Federal legislation requiring disclosure of the presence of any known lead based pint hazards to potential buyers or renters. The law does not require that anyone test for the presence of lead-based paint, however.
judicial precedent
In law, the requirements established by prior court decisions within jurisdiction of the dispute.