unit 2 vocab Flashcards
the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
the state of being subject to death.
People who today subscribe to the Malthusian view of population.
net migration
the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants divided by the population.
a species’ population becomes larger than the carrying capacity of its environment.
physiological density
the number of people per unit area of arable land
population density
a measurement of population per unit land area
the policy or practice of encouraging people to have children
agriculture density
the number of farmers per unit area of farmland
a person who believes that it is morally wrong or unjustifiable to have children.
arithmetic Density
This method calculates the population density by dividing the total population of an area by the total land area.
the total number of people divided by the total land area
Asylum Seekers
a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another
birth rates
The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.
carrying capacity
The ability of the land to sustain a certain number of people.
Chain migration
The process by which some people’s migration to a new place leads their family members, friends, and other to move to the same place
the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.
the use of medicines, devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy
all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation, including learned features such as language, ideology, behavior, technology, and government.
death rates
measures the rate of deaths in a country’s population every year
The study of population characteristics
Demographic Transition Model(DTM)
Conceptualizes how CBR(crude birth rate) and CDR(crude death rates) as well as the resulting RNI(rate of natural increase) change over time as countries go through industrialization.
Dependency Ratio
The number of dependents in a population. Either to old to work or to young. The higher the dependent ratio, the more of a support burden.
the arrangement of features in a space
the study of the flow of goods and services through space.
Epidemiological Transition
describes changing population patterns in terms of fertility, life expectancy, mortality, and leading causes of death
the natural capability to conceive or induce conception(Being able to get preggo)
Forced Migration
Migration caused by forces out of one’s control such as disasters, social conflicts, or development projects.
Guest Worker
A person with temporary permission to work in another country.
AP World History is the study of human history through culture, politics, and economic lenses.
Internally Displaced Persons(IDP)
Someone who remains within his or her’s country borders despite being persecuted by their home country.
Internal Migration
Also known as inter-regional migration. When people move within the borders of a country.
Intervening Obstacle
A complication that potential migrants will need to overcome to reach their destination
intervening opportunities
A nearby attractive locale where migrants may decide to settle instead of going to the intended destination farther away(More convenient)
Land forms
Earth’s surface features vary from relatively flat to mountainous
Life expectancy
The number of years a person can expect to live from birth
Thomas Robert Malthus was one of the earliest observers of population growth.
Malthusian Theory
this theory explains the human population grows more rapidly than the food supply until famines, war or disease reduces the population. Overpopulation
the area surrounding a service from which customers are attracted
the long-term or permanent relocation of individuals, families, or entire communities from one place to another.
set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status
population-double timing
the amount of time it takes for the population of a region to double
Population Pyramid
A very useful graphic device for comparing age and sex structure
Pull factors
the attributes of other places that make them appealing to potential migrants
Push factors
factors that cause people to be dissatisfied with their present locales and want to move somewhere else
Rate of natural Increase(RNI)
The difference between the number of births and deaths in a given year, when expressed a percentage of total population
Ravenstein’s law of migration
(1) Most Migrants Go Only Short Distances
(2) Migration Goes by Steps (Step-by-Step)
(3) Long-Distance Migrants Prefer to Go to Big Cities
(4) Migration Flows Produce Counter-Flows
(5) People from Urban Areas Migrate Less than Rural People
A person who leaves their country because of persecution based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political opinion.
Rural-to-urban migration
When people migrate from rural places to urban places in search for better opportunities
condition in which one human being was owned by another
Social Values
a set of moral principles defined by society dynamics, institutions, traditions and cultural beliefs.
Step migration
Migration carried out in a series of stages, usually from nearby to bigger and more distant places
a phenomenon where herders and their livestock move seasonally between their summer and winter pastures
Transnational Migration
when migrants move back and forth between their home countries and those to which they have migrated
Voluntary Migration
Migration that is done willingly
Water Bodies
The scale of unusable to useable water and air in an area of a city