Unit 2 Vocab Flashcards
(n.) protection, patronage, sponsorship
Synonym: auspices
(v.) to inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice
Synonyms: acquaint, notify
Antonyms: keep secret, withhold information
(adj.) fond of or inclined to drink; absorbent
Synonyms: inebrious, alcoholic
Antonyms: teetotaling, abstemious, temperate
(n.) a group of people hired to applaud a performer or performance; enthusiastic for fawning admirers; an opera hat
Synonyms: fan club, flatterers, hangers-on
(v.) to pull up by the roots; to root out, uproot, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of
Synonyms: extirpate, eradicate, expunge
Antonyms: implant, nurture, foster, instill
(adj.) charitable; dependent upon or supported by charity; derived from or provided by charity
Synonyms: philanthropic, beneficent
Antonyms: selfish, self-seeking, uncharitable
(adj.) originating in the country or region where found; inborn; inherent
Synonyms: endemic, domestic, homegrown
Antonyms: foreign, alien, exoteric, imported
(adj.) given to tears or weeping; causing to shed tear; lugubrious
Synonyms: tearful, doleful, dolorous
Antonyms: dry-eyed, cheerful, merry, hilarious
(n.) a dictionary of a language; the special vocabulary of a person, group, or subject; a compendium
Synonyms: workbook, glossary
(n.) a confused struggle; a violent free-for-all
Synonyms: fracas, brawl, scuffle, donnybrook
Antonyms: friendly chat, peace and quiet
(n.) a miniature world or universe; a group or system; the model of a larger group or system
Synonyms: epitome, world in little
Antonyms: universe, macrocosm, cosmos, totality
(adj.) very small, tiny; (n.) a lowercase letter
Synonyms: (adj.) infinitesimal, insignificant
Antonyms: (adj.) huge, massive, monumental
(v.) to darken or obscure; to confuse or bewilder
(n.) the policy or practice of treating or governing people in the manner of a father dealing with his children
Synonyms: benevolence, solicitude, fatherliness
(v.) to cause to concentrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions; to cause light to vibrate in a pattern
Synonyms: spilt, divide, alienate, estrange
Antonyms: unite, unify, reconcile
(n.) the range, extent, or scope of something; in law, the scope or limit of what is provided in a statute
Synonyms: jurisdiction, orbit
(adj.) having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook
Synonyms: flushed, rosy
Antonyms: bloodless, ashen, pessimistic, gloomy
(n.) a substandard or ungrammatical usage; a breach of etiquette; any impropriety or mistake
Synonyms: misusage, blunder, faux pas
Antonym: correct usage
(n.) a person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he or she owes allegiance; a subordinate or dependent; a servant; (adj.) subservient
Synonyms: (n.) menial, minion; (adj.) servile
Antonym: (n.) overlord
(n.) the quality of appearing to be true, real, likely, or probable
Synonyms: realism, life likeness, authenticity