Unit 2: Thermochemistry Flashcards
What is a general definition for Thermochemistry?
Energy changes associated w/ chemical reactions.
Is bond forming exothermic/endothermic? What about bond breaking?
Bond forming is exothermic; bond breaking is endothermic.
Define Heat
The transfer of kinetic energy from one body of mass to another.
Define Temperature
Average Kinetic Energy
Heat goes from a _____ object to a _____ object.
Define Conduction
Heat transfer through the collision of particles.
1J is the energy needed to _____.
Exert a force of 1N over 1 meter.
What is the equation for Force?
Mass x Acceleration
What are the units for newtons?
kg.m/ sec^2
What happens, in detail, when there’s an exothermic reaction?
It will physically interact with the surrounding molecules, will increase the KE of surrounding molecules, increase in heat, increase in temperature.
Enthalpy is associated with _____.
The heat change of a chemical reaction.
Define State Function
Variable that depends only on the initial and final state; it is a path independent variable.
What is an example of a state function and what is not?
Example: Total Energy Change
Not An Example: Work
What is the equation for Work?
Force x Distance
Is potential energy a state function?
What is the equation for Total Energy Change?
Total Energy Change= Heat Energy + Work ; Delta E Rxn= Q rxn +PDeltaV
What is the equation for Enthalpy?
Delta H Rxn= Heat at Constant Pressure
How does bond breaking in ATP release energy?
In ATP reaction w/ water, a new bond is formed. In the hydrolysis reaction, the water reacts with one of the phosphate groups, replacing one of the P-O bonds w/ a P-OH bond. Furthermore, H+ is formed in aqueous solution (would be present as H3O+). The new bond formation would provide the exothermic character of the reaction.
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
Conservation of energy (the energy released by a reaction is equal to the energy absorbed by the surroundings). Delta E Reaction= (-) Delta E Surroundings.
What is another name for Coffee Cup Calorimetry?
Constant Pressure Calorimetry
What is the purpose of a Styrofoam cup in Coffee Cup Calorimetry?
They’re used to prevent the escape of heat/absorption of heat from the outside.
What is an important equation to remember for Coffee Cup Calorimetry?
Q H2O= (-) Q RXN CW (Coffee-Cup/ Water)
What is an important thing to remember for Bomb Calorimetry?
Q RXN= (-) Q H2O
Enthalpy changes are _____.
Path Independent