Unit 2: The Renaissance & Age of exploration Flashcards
the Renaissance stretched from _ to _
1350 to 1600
it comes from the French word renaitre which means
today we see the renaissance as the era when modern day _ _ began to develop
western worldview
in the western worldview individual _ and _ are valued
rights and freedom
we must make the most of our lives on _
_ should be available to all
what does democracy mean
voting for our leaders
money/wealth is important to maintain a good _ of _
quality of life
humanism was a new way of thinking about life that came from the study of _ texts and contact with other _
classical, cultures
humanism is about human beings, their individual _ and improving society
humanists believe that: humans have _ skills that set them apart from animals
humanists believe that: we should use our skills to make society _
humanists believe that: our lives on earth should be _ and _
rich and fulfilled
humanists believe that: people should be surrounded with beautiful _ and _
art, architecture
humanists believe that: human _ should not be limited by social _
potential, class
humanists believe that: belief in God was _ but life on earth also had _
important, value
humanists believe that: people should learn to read _ _ in their own native language
ancient texts
why did the renaissance spread slowly in the begining?
geography, feudalism, religion, WAR
war in Europe became less frequent allowing the renaissance to spread _
feudalism started to weaken in Europe and the new social system was based on _ instead of land ownership
philosophers started traveling to _ to teach _
universities, humanism
for artists, _ of _ allowed a more personal reflection of how they saw the world
freedom of subject
doctors and scientists were now allowed to _
artists were now able to create more _ images by using new techniques suvh as _ and _
realistic, perspective and realism
perspective is the technique used to _ a three dimensional surface
realism is making art represent _ _
real life
at first science and math developed _
scientific questioning began challenging the beliefs of the _
europe was very _ (didnt trust science)
patrons were more interested in _ so they didnt give money to science
writers started to write in their _
this made new writings more accessible for all classes which helped spread more _ and _
ideas and knowledge
increased a common sense of _
the printing press gave people the ability to mechanically print books _ and _
quickly and cheaply
allowed different classes to access _ for the first time
encouraged people to learn to _ and _
read and write
education changed because of a rebirth of _ that happened when scholars began to study the ideas of _ islamic or jewish scholars
knowledge, classical
education focused on _
people started to ask questions and seek answers rather than blindly accept what was told to them by _
the _ had no chance to attend school
even though they were capable _ were not allowed to take part in the decision process or be educated
topics that women writers discussed were:
no difference between sexes, women should be eduscated beyond ornamental purposes
what 2 vieews of religion existed in the western worldview:
individuals should follow teachings strictly
individuals should study the bible personally
the translation of the bible led to the _ _
protestant reformation
martin luther beleived that one should seek personal _ of the teachings
his 95 theses publicly _ the church
what happened to luthers books:
they were burned
king henry the VIII started the _ church
the rising middle class helped to grow a society based on _ and _
trade, profit
in the middle ages people bartered goods rather than using money, in the renaissance _ became widely used
europeans wanted to cut out the _ _
islamic middlemen
how would they cut out the islamic middle man? (control the cost of _ to _)
cost of goods to consumer
people saw that they could change their _ and became more succesful than their parents
new _ _’s increased geographic knowledge
trade routes
new sailing technology started the _ of _
age of exploration
what is it called when a country gains more land for economic expansion
who were the leaders in the age of exploration
france, spain, england, portugal