Unit 2 terms Flashcards
ones personal interest especially without regard for others
- Allows soldiers to use forces for reasons other than selfdefense.
-May take measures to address a conflict involving diplomatic measures.
(less restrictions , and can be intiated by nation-states independent of the UN)
Domestic Policy
- govt decisions about actions taken withen Canada
Canadian domestic policy is related to all activity and issues that occur withen state borders (withen Canada)
1) Guiding decisions about changing federal laws
2) Setting aboriginal land claims
Treaty of Versailles
-Formly ending/wrapping up world war one
- Terms of the treaty included that Germany pays for all war reparations and was declared responsible for all financial, military, and territorial penalties.
Colonies lost: The treaty forced Germany to give up some of their territory to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
Demilitarization/ of Rhineland: (reduction of state-armed forces) The strip of land boardering france was claimed a demilitrazed zone to increase the security of France, belgium and the netherlands against future german aggression.
forbidden Anschluss: By attempting to take austria the Nazi violated the treaty of Versailles.
Arctic Sovereignty
- Competing claims between Canada, USA, Russia, Denmark, and Norway.
1) Increasingly important due to climate change - Open up north passage for sea travel
2) Vast oil, gas, and gold reserves
- Canada devoted more money and attention towards it
Armed forces that maintain peace by keeping enemies apart until a crisis can be resolved through diplomacy and negotiation
Foreign Policy
Govt decisions about relationships with other countries and international bodies (u.s and NATO)
1) co-opperating with international organizations
2) signing treaties
National intrest
Democratic govt decisions based on how to benefit the country and it’s citizens.
- What a country needs will change depending on different circumstances.
Three areas a country’s National interest might be focused on
1) Economic prosperity - including stable employment and a decent standard of living.
2) Security- measures to maintain national security and physical protection. Include laws that protect personal security and secure borders.
3) Beliefs and values- Affirming and promoting citizens values, beliefs, and culture trying to safeguard and protect the shared worldview.
Extreme form of nationalism that promotes the interest of one state above all.
- Usually rises out of a country being in a state of economic and social hardship.
- Strong superiority beliefs
Making compirmisesses to an aggressive foreign power in order to avoid war. Ex: British Foreign policy towards nazi germany in 1930
Hitler dissolved the parliament and declared the start of the nazi empire with himself as dictator
Lost freedom:
- freedom of the press and assembly were taken away.
- postal, telegraph, and telephone communications were no longer private.
Hitler had extreme national superiority views and worked to transfer his way of thinking towards the people.
- Genocide of the Jews committed by Nazi Germany during WWII
- Due to lot’s of anticimitism and hitler blaming them for Germans defeat. There were lots of false conceptions around the Jewish population and what their intentions were.
- Jew population was murdered through concentration/death camps, slave laubour camps, and village clearouts and mass murder.
- Countries turned away jew refugee due to being concerned with the great depression.
- Over 6 million dead
Armenian genocide
During WWI was the systematic clearing of the Armenian people to perserve the ottoman empire
-Because Armenian people were collectivly “guilty” for betraying the ottoman empire. This lead to a brutal genocide of all armenian people.
Total war
Unrestricted war
- No limits on weapons used, territory, people involved, or objectives pursued.
League of Nations/goal
- US President Woodrow Wilson proposed 14 points that would become the base for a peace settlement. Wilsons key idea was the creation of the league of nations.
The goal of the League of nations was to eliminate war between nations through international cooperations which would replace the old alliance system that had drawn the worlds powers in WWII.