Unit 2 Subject Knowledge Flashcards
What did the creation of the PAC increase among Africans during the early 1960s?
Mobilised new support
Which crime was the biggest in the early 1960s?
Pass offences
Which group attempted to spark masss anger that would overthrow the NP?
What is the most famous PAC protest?
Sharpeville (passes)
What was the date of the Sharpevill massacre?
21st March 1960
How many protestors were there?
What was the aim of the Sharpeville protests?
Suspension of pass laws
How many people did the police claim they were facing at Sharpeville?
Where had 9 policemen been killed a few weeks before?
Cato Manor
How many people were injured or killed?
69 died/ 187 injured
What were police accused of adding to victims?
Stones/ weapons
What did Sharpeville cause a large increase of internationally?
Why did Sharpeville gain more attention than previous repression?
How did the UN respond and what month?
Resolution condemning Sharpeville and calling of reversal of apartheid/ April 1960
How did the ANC respond?
Pass burning and stayaways
What did the government announce on the 30th March 1960?
State of emergency
How many Africans marched on Cape Town?
Why did protest fail to threaten white rule?
Not widespread or militant enough
What powers did the police gain?
Outlaw meetings and arrest with no restrictions
What was the important response of NP to Sharpeville?
Banned ANC and PAC
What was the act that banned the ANC and PAC called?
Unlawful Organisation Act
The harsh response by the government helped persuade the ANC and PAC to turn to what?
A long running aim of Afrikaners was to remove what from South Africa from abroad?
British influence
Why did Verwoerd feel the time was right for a referendum?
Entrencheded in power and strong election results (55% of white votes)
Why did South Africa have no television until 1976?
Restrict international news
What were two reasons for Macmillan’s ‘Wind of Change’ speech?
Celebrate African self-government and gain Cold War support
The ‘Wind of Change’ speech was before which key event in the 1960s?
How much of South African investment was British in 1956?
What was the process of African independence called?
Macmillan’s speech reinforced in Verwoerd’s mind which policy?
What percentage of voters voted for a Republic?
In reality the change in becoming a Republic was more …. than any actual effect
What year does South Africa leave the commonwealth?
Which country in the commonwealth was especially critical of South Africa?
South Africa had become more internationally ……. after this event?
What was set up in 1960 in London?
Anti-Apartheid Movement
Why did Britain keep strong relations with South Africa?
Economically strategic and important
What did Britain and the USA hope South Africa could help them with in the 1960s?
Stopping communism in Africa
After leaving the Commonwealth, what did British companies do?
Huge investment in South Africa
What could western powers have done to put pressure on South Africa?
Economic boycott
In 1962 what did the UN pass a resolution banning to South Africa?
Imports and exports
What was the problem with this ban?
It was voluntary
What year did Britain impose the arms embargo on South Africa?
What year and month were radical groups banned?
April, 1960
Name an example of violence before 1960.
East London 1952, Durban 1959 and Mpondoland 1960
What had the ANC been committed to?
Peaceful protest and civil disobedience
What was the ANC afraid of if they turned to violence?
Government repression
Who had already discussed using violence in the 1950s?
Where had successful revolutions taken place around a similar time?
China and Cuba
Peaceful protests had largely failed to stop apartheid, name 2 examples.
Defiance Campaign, Women Pass law protests, Freedom Charter
What year did they officially turn violent and what month?
June 1961
Who opposed the decision to turn to violence?
Chief Luthuli (head of ANC)
The militant wing of the ANC was seperately known as…
What type of violence did the ANC use?
What was the PAC’s violent wing called?
What was the difference between the two militant groups?
Poqo attacked people
Name two examples of PAC attacks?
Paarl March and Mbashe Bridge
What was the main reason for the failure of violent protest by both groups?
Government repression and lack of support
What was the name of the trial in 1963 and 1964?
Rivonia Trial
What did Mandela do in the dock at the Rivonia Trial?
Outlined difficulties facing Africans and put apartheid on trial
What did the NP want the punishment to be?
Death penalty
Where were the main leaders imprisoned?
Robben Island
Who went into exile to keep the ANC alive?
Oliver Tambo
What was Oliver Tambo’s ‘external mission’?
To gain international support
What did Oliver Tambo’s ‘external mission’ achieve?
International legitimacy for ANC
Name a place where ANC exiles spoke?
UN and Russia
What was a significant problem for opposition in South Africa?
Lack of leadership (on the ground)
The Anti-Apartheid Movement struggles to achieve a significant level of what?
What 2 sporting events were South Africa banned from and in what year?
FIFA (football) 1963 and Olympics 1964
Which cricketer caused controversy by not being included in the English cricket team due to his coloured roots?
Basil D’Oliveira
Who replaced Verwoerd as leader of NP in 1966?
Globally what was strong until 1973? (a key turning point for this factor)
Economic growth
The economy grew by over what % each year in the 1960s?
What hindered the South African economy?
Skills shortages due to lack of education
How much did African employment in manufacturing rise during the period?
Nearly doubled
What were jobs reserved for whites known as?
Colour bar
In the townships what were added during the period?
New houses built by Africans
Per capita income increased by how much in the 1960s?
During the 1960s how many people moved to the cities?
From 1.5 million to 6 million
The 1960s was seen as the what of apartheid?
High point
What was beginning to emerge among wealthier Africans?
Middle class
The success of many in the township challenged the NP ideas that Africans belonged where?
Rural areas
The social gains in African society were made ……. of apartheid
In spite
Growing African wealth helped reduce what?
Political protest and conflict
What Act attempted to turn homelands into self-governing states and year?
Bantu Self-Government Act 1959
Who worked with the NP to rule Transkei?
Kaiser Matanzima
What was required to be held in the homelands in order for it to become self-governing but ignored if they produced the wrong result?
How did the Transkei gain from being the model homeland?
Increased spending, health and education expanded quickly and opportunities for rural middle class
Which organisation in Africa united against South Africa?
Organisation of African Unity (1963)
Which countries shielded South Africa from hostile African neighbours?
Zimbabwe, Angola and Mozambique
Why was Vorster keen to work with more countries in the southern African region?
Prevent them being used as ANC bases
Why did many Western companies invest in South Africa despite Sharpeville?
Profit opportunities
Which act allowed prisoners to be detained indefinitely, increasing police power?
Terrorism Act 1967