Briefly describe what a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is and what elements are part of it.
The graphical user interface (GUI) refers to the parts of an application which are recognizable to human users. It is the interface where information is made available to and received from users in a format intelligible to humans. Most industrial information systems have a GUI. In other words, information is presented in a visual format to be seen by users. Alternatively, information may be given in an acoustic (e.g., as speech output) or haptic format (e.g., in Braille).
A typical user interface uses graphical symbols, such as windows, menus, symbols, texts, and input elements, to present information, and users interact with the software using a keyboard and pointing devices. Typical forms of user interaction include keyboard entries or clicking, holding, dragging, and releasing a pointing device. As touch screens and movement sensors are becoming increasingly popular, gestures with one or more fingers and moving the input device within the space (e.g., shaking or tilting), are also supported.
What are operational systems?
These systems selectively support business processes and activities in organizations. There is typically a major emphasis on the value-creating and supporting processes
within organizations. They are used primarily to support business processes. The more industry-specific and individual an information system is, the more its GUI will be specifically modified and aligned with business- and organization-specific features. The system’s GUI helps to guide and navigate the user through the functional process.
Users can see the properties of domain objects and process them. They can also input decisions into the system where this is required to control operations in the business process.
What is a dialog in GUI specification and what parts is it comprised of?
A dialog guides the user through the system and assist
with task processing. A dialog is comprised of one or more dialog boxes and a predefined dialog flow.
What is a dialog box?
A dialog box (also known as a “screen mask,” or simply “mask”) combines numerous input and output elements. Each mask will usually correspond to one interaction step relating to a specialist function supported by the system and is usually implemented in the form of a screen page. The structure and content of each dialog box must be defined in the GUI specification. As well as the type, size, and position of dialog elements, it may also be necessary to include rules on their activation and deactivation. Consistent representation of the (technical) content is also important; identical domain objects in different dialog boxes should have identical modeling wherever possible.
Data stored in the system database must be converted into a format that can be seen and read by users before appearing in a dialog box. Where system users are required to process specialist information, technical and conceptual validation of their entries is required. Validation ensures that the data entered are conceptually correct. As well as technical validation of the correct data type, conceptual validation is also needed.
What is a dialog flow?
Typically, an information system’s GUI comprises multiple dialog boxes, which support the user when processing a task. The options for navigating between dialog boxes are
known as a dialog flow. A dialog flow depicts the sequence of operations requiring the processing of multiple masks in succession. The dialog box that appears in the next step is often derived from the values entered by the user in the preceding masks. Specification of a dialog flow encompasses
* every mask used in the workflow;
* the defined sequence in which masks appear;
* manual navigation options between masks (e.g., back and next); and
* dialog flow conditions to control when certain masks can be skipped.
Together with the conversions outlined above and the technical and conceptual validations, these elements make up a complete GUI specification. The documentation format
and level of detail depend on the specific project situation and associated requirements.
How should GUI be documented in specification?
User interfaces are specified both visually and in text form. The visual specification defines the appearance of the elements used and how they are arranged on the screen. It may include sketches and screenshots of GUI prototypes and simple diagrams indicating the sequence of dialog boxes. The text specification explains correlations that cannot be expressed visually or whose visualization is too complicated. This includes rules on the activation and deactivation of GUI elements, validation rules, and dialog flow conditions.
When using GUI prototypes, it is important to include a text description with the graphical representation, which should contain the following aspects:
* intended purpose of the GUI or reference to the business process
* required and depicted domain objects
* runtime parameters for activating and deactivating elements of the GUI
* dependencies on other GUIs
* validation rules for technical and conceptual validation
What are the three basic categories of GUI components?
- Atomic
- Composite
- Complex
What are some Atomic GUI Components?
Atomic GUI components are simple elements for displaying and processing individual values. They cannot be broken down any further.
Some of their elements are for example:
* labels
* text boxes
* checkboxes
* dropdown boxes
What are some Composite GUI Components?
Composite components are GUI components comprising multiple atomic GUI components. They are used to structure the user interface and aid clarity.
Some of their elements are for example:
* Option boxes
* Tables
* Grouping
What are some Complex GUI Components?
Complex GUI components are used to display and process complex values and data structures. They often implement a complex modeling and validation logic, such as a graphical calendar component for entering dates or a map component for entering a geographical location.
Some of their elements are for example:
* calendars
* tree menus
* editors
What are some GUI Components for the Input and Output of Simple Data Types?
Conceptual data models are often used as the basis when
specifying GUIs. The GUI specification must enable users to enter every required value in the required format, ideally without errors, in the information system.
Some of the data types and input elements are:
* String (<1000 chars) -> text box
* Text (>1000 chars) -> Multi-line text box
* Whole numbers (integer, long) -> Text box
* Numbers (float, double) -> Text box
* Monetary amounts -> Text box
* Date -> Text box or Calendar
* Logical value (3-state Boolean) -> Checkbox (yes/no only) or Dropdown list (for 3-state Boolean)
* 1-of-n selection: enumeration types (strings or numbers) -> Dropdown list, Option button or Multiple checkboxes
* m-of-n selection: enumeration types (strings or numbers) -> Multiple checkboxes
What are some input elements that should be read-only and why?
A read-only view displays the entered data but cannot be edited. This type of view is often found at the end of an ordering process. While read-only views can usually be set for any input element, they are not always user-friendly. Text boxes are often shown against a grey background to indicate that they cannot be edited, but this makes them harder to read. Consequently, it is often necessary to define a suitable read-only view for each input element, depending on the application.
Some suggested Read-Only View for Input Elements are:
* Text box Simple text
* Multi-line text box Simple text
* Calendar and date input. Simple text, formatted, date format typically depends on the user’s localization
* Dropdown list Simple text
* Option button and checkbox. Pre-defined labels or icons for each selected option
What are some aspects to consider when spcifying enumerations?
The 1-of-n selection with predefined selection options is a common type of input element known as enumeration. Unlike simple value inputs, when specifying GUI elements for the input and output of enumerations, additional aspects must be taken into account.
* Conceptual label (per value): Where applicable, allow for internationalization.
* Technical label (per value): String used internally in the GUI to identify a selectable value
* Default setting (per input element)
* Sequence of potential values (per input element): The sequence of selection options must be specified for each input element.
When writing the specification, take care to consider all relevant requirements and settings for the input and output of enumerations. Particularly when lists of options are generated automatically or configured by administrators, the information required is fairly complex and should not be underestimated.
For multi-lingual, multi-cultural applications in particular, allowance must be made for various conceptual labels and consideration must be given to how this may influence the
sequence of potential options.
Why might it be necessary for some application-specific elements to be conversed in GUI specification?
As well as inputting and outputting domain objects via the GUI, a very specific form of rendering is often required with simple values. If this differs from the format stored in the database, it will need to be converted for data input and output purposes.
When devising an expedient input option in a graphical user interface, it is first necessary to select a suitable presentation format, then define how the format stored in the data model is to be converted to that format.
The representation of date and time entries and monetary amounts will, likewise, require special conversion guidelines. These are often provided by special components, such as
the calendar component as part of GUI frameworks.
What is Validation in GUI specifications?
Certain GUI input elements, such as text boxes, allow users to enter any given values. These values must then be checked before they are transferred into the system and saved. Once the input elements of a dialog box have been specified, the validation rules for the dialog flow must also be specified. The system uses these rules as data are being entered by the user to gauge whether they meet the required quality from both a technical and a conceptual perspective.
As well as the actual validation rule itself, it is also necessary to specify the timing of evaluation, the consequences of violating the rule, and how users are told that a rule has been violated.