Unit 2 - Social Psychology Flashcards
Adjusting behavior or thinking toward some group standard. Ex. Face the rear, Asch study. Reasons for Conforming are Normative social influence and Informational social influence
conform to avoid the awkwardness of not conforming, wants to fit in, even when you know you are wrong
Normative Conformity
conform to others because we believe them and think they are more accurate, convinced that the group is right and you are wrong
Informational Conformity
Influences on conformity
Size of the group
No one else dissents – are you alone or not
Confusion – guy with the hat
Public – voicing your opinion in public
Similarities – the people are like you in some ways
Authority – conform to people of higher status – again guy with the hat
Culture – individualist or collectivist
Need for acceptance – people w/ low self-esteem and high social anxiety
to be submissive to an authority. Ex. Milgram study
Attributing behaviors to either disposition or situation (dispositional attribution or situational attribution)
Attribution theory
Overestimating disposition and underestimating situation when we evaluate other’s behavior
Fundamental attribution error
Conflict between our attitudes/beliefs and our behavior– which causes anxiety and tension. We usually resolve by bringing our attitude to match behavior.
Cognitive dissonance
The large number of people who witnessed the violent event decreased the willingness of any one individual to step in and help.
Bystander effect
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
improved performance in front of a crowd
Social facilitation
tendency to exert less effort when in a group
Social loafing
Loss of self-control and self-restraint in a group and anonymous (mob mentality)
enhancement of groups ideas when with the group
Group polarization
You don’t speak up bc you don’t want to ruin the harmony of the group