Unit 2 Soc Test Flashcards
the capitalist class.
the working class.
Social Mobility
the movement between different positions within a system of social stratification in any given society.
Social Stratification
refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.
money received by a person for work, from transfers (gifts, inheritances, or government assistance), or from returns on investments.
a family’s or individual’s net worth (that is, total assets minus total debts).
Absolute Poverty
Absolute poverty the point at which a household’s income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members.
Relative Poverty
a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median income in a given location.
Cultural Capital
the symbolic and interactional resources that people use to their advantage in various situations.
consciousness- raising movement to get people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. The underlying belief is that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and respect.
the biological differences that distinguish males from females.
a social position; the set of social arrangements that are built around normative sex categories.
desire, sexual preference, and sexual identity and behavior.
Matrix of Domination
a sociological paradigm that explains issues of oppression that deal with race, class, and gender, which, though recognized as different social classifications, are all interconnected
the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage
Gender Pay Gap
Women, on average, earn less than men in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women to calculate an earnings ratio.
Glass Ceiling
an invisible limit on women’s climb up the occupational ladder.
Glass Escalator
the accelerated promotion of men to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs.
One-Drop Rule
One-drop rule the belief that “one drop” of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation.
a group of people who share a set of characteristics— typically, but not always, physical ones— and are said to share a common bloodline.
one’s ethnic quality or affiliation. It is voluntary, self-defined, nonhierarchal, fluid and multiple, and based on cultural differences, not physical ones per se.
the formation of a new racial identity by drawing ideological boundaries of difference around a formerly unnoticed group of people.
White Privilege
a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in Western countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances
Institutional Racism
institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral but actually disadvantage minority groups.