Unit 2 : Role Of Manangers :Understanding Managment Leadership and Descision Making Flashcards
When we think of managers what do we think they should be doi
coordinating resources
the ideas is mangers are focused on
the day to day running of the business
the idea is managers are focused on the day to day running of the business and therefore look to
limit risk
How are leaders different to managers
more visionary
look to motivate employees
see opportunities and seize moment
more entreprenurial
Mangers are focused on what type of gains for the business
strategic gains
strategic gains are LT true or false
What is the role of managers
set objectives analyse lead make descisions review
Why do maangers need to be aware when setting objectives
obj have constraints on time money and resources
What are objectives
the common goal the team needs to strive towards
What do managers need to analyse
The data mangers analyse is deondent on
department working in
give examples of data marketind department manager may need to fanalyse
sales data
When a manger leads what does htis refer to
managment style
descisions are either
When a manger is reviewing what goes thorugh their mind
did it work - if so what ww and can be replicared
did it not work - if not what could be tweaked so next descision is better
List manages from least to most delegation
Laissez Faire
What is Authotarian Mangers
make all descisions
no delegation
How is communication with Authotarian Managers
Top Down
When is It BENEFIT to have authotarian managers
bs crisis
new/unskilled workers
Why + to have AM in a bs crisis
when descisions need to be made quickly so bs can do action needed to progress , get result to leave crisi
Why + to have AM with new/unskilled workers
need to make descisions on behalf of them so they know what to do as opposed to them making wrong descsions as dont know what to do which could harm bs
Why is - to have AM
Low Staff Retention
Why si AM demotivaitng
all descsions made by manager therefore no power for subordinates
What is a Paternalsitic Manager
managers consult employees/subd before making a descsision
Outline process a paternalistic maanger makes when making a descsion
consult employees - explain to them - persuade its most optimal way
What is benefit of PM
Employees feel more involved compared to AM
Why do employees feel more involved and what does this lead to
consulted before DM leads to motivation
What is negative of PM
in LT causes issues(Demotivation/Low staff retention) cause watered down AM - so dont really have a say in DM and see thorugh it in the LT
What is a Democratic Manager
Employees given > involvement in DM
on scale of delegation this is where Delegation (DM) begins
What is + of DM
higher motivation
freed up to make tougher D
Why is DM more motivating
staff feel been given respons in DM , their voice matters/they feel heard empowering them
Why is it beneficial DM frees up dm
allows manager to focus on more important descisions that need skills and experience that cant be handed down to lowe staff that could mess it up . ENSURES BS moving in RIGHT DIRECTION W CRITICAL DM/STEPS
- of DM
Slow down DM
Employees may not be capable of making descisions
How can descsion making be slowed down in dm
depends on who it’s been delegated to
What is the consequences of employees not being able to make the descion
poor DM slown down quality of bs operations/rep which can be hard to build up again
What is Laissez Faire
managers have no input in DM
full delegation 2 subd
When does Laissez Faire make sense /+
highly skilled&competent
aligned with incentives/goals of mgmnt/bs
When does LF not make sense +why
if its ineefective way out from responsibility of DM for managers
can be dangerous to the bs prosperity/future