unit 2: rights, freedoms, and responsibilities Flashcards
what are the rights we enjoy today in Canada have their origin?
- The Magna Carta, 1215
- The Delartion of Idenepencdde, 1776 (USA)
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789 (France)
- the Universal Declaration of HUman RIghts, 1948 (United Nations)
a right is a legal, moral, or social entitlement due to all people because they are human beings
E.X the “right to life” found in S.7 of the Charter
a freedom is the right to conudct ones afferies without undue interference
E.X freedom of expulsion gives citziesn the freedom to criize their government
way to act
what is the PURPOSE of the universal declaration of rights
affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every human without distinction
what is the JURISDICTION of the universal declaration of rights
members of the UN
what is the REMEDIES of the universal declaration of rights
puts pressure on government to adhere to rights; may or may not have an impact
what is the ENFORCEMENT of the universal declaration of rights
voluntary agreement only; no force of law
what is the problem with the Bill of Rights
The bill of rights was a statue and had no more status than any other statue. Any other law could override it
what is trial de novo
a new trial by a different court
access to information act
a Canadian Act providing the right of access to information under the control of a federal government institution
section 33 - “the notwithstanding clause” FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO USE
the federal parliament and provincial legislatures have the ability to declare that a particular piece of legislation is beyond Charter review, notwithstanding the fact that a court may have found that the legislation violated someone’s Charter rights.
ONLY applies to the Charter’s fundamental freedoms, legal rights, and equality rights.
Jurisdiction, Enforcement, and Guarantee
- Charter applies to all branches and levels of government and all other federally regulated organizations.
- People have the right to challenge the government in court if they believe their rights have been infringed.
- Judges determine whether a law violates a Charter right or freedom, and if so, what remedy should be applied.
what is the PURPOSE of the charter
Having rights entrenched in the consitition ensure that they are protected regardeless of the goveremtn in power
what is the JURISDEICTION of the charter
all branches and levesl of goverment corwn coporations federally incorrated companies, banks and other federally regaruled organziations
what is the REMEDIES of the charter
if legesitaion or policy confliected with the charter the legsitation will best work down and the poelices revised