unit 2 Revision LO2 Flashcards
Ensuring that a person is treated fairly and given the same opportunities regardless of differences e.g. wheelchair ramps.
Recognising and respecting individuals differences e.g. race, beliefs.
what are the 6 rights?
3Cs: Choice, Confidentiality, Consultation
PRE: Protection from abuse and harm, Right to Life, Equal and fair treatment.
What are the value of Care?
- Promoting equality and diversity
- Promoting Individual rights and Beliefs
- Maintaining Confidentiality
what is choice? ( The Rights)
Gives individuals control over their lives and increase self esteem because it promotes independence and empowerment.
what is confidentiality? ( the rights)
the private information should be shared only with individuals that are directly involved with an individuals care.
what is Protection from abuse and harm? ( the rights)
Care settings and practitioners should have safeguarding producers and safety measures in place and should follow health and safety Legislation.
What is Equal and fair treatment? ( the rights)
Individuals working or using health, social care or child care services should be treated within the law and according to their needs.
what is consultation? ( the rights)
Individuals using health, social care or child care services should be asked for their options and views about their care and treatment; this should inform the care they receive.
what is Right to Life? ( the rights )
An individual’s life is protected by human rights law; everyone right to life should be valued and respected.
promoting equality and diversity
- access to care services provided for everyone e.g. using the name of a participants wheelchair ramps, different languages. ( equality)
- Offering choice, e.g. menus with a range of options catering for all needs: vegetarian, diabetic. ( diversity)
Promoting Individuals Rights and Beliefs
- Mobility, dietary and communication needs me, ensuring that all areas an resources in care settings are accessible to all e.g. female staff available to meet cultural requirements ( rights)
- Cultural and religious dietary needs meet e.g. options such as halal and kosher, pray room ( beliefs)
Maintaining Confidentiality
Private information shared by care worker’s only a ‘need-to-know basis’ information about a patient’s Illness and treatment would be shared only with the practitioners directly involved in working with that person, not told to all of the staff.
Inadequate care ?
means any act or failure to act that may be physically or emotionally harmful to a recipient. e.g. not adminstering medication on time., rough handling while bathing.
Breach of health and safety ??
they have broken the law which is a criminal offence, and they risk enforcement action by the HSE e.g. forgetting to lock the door of the drugs cabinet, not using a sharp box to dispose of used syringe, moving a patient from their bed without assistance.