Unit 2 Review Flashcards
How do birds get the energy to power flight?
They have strong hearts that beat incredibly fast and are effective at absorbing oxygen.
In proportion to body, what is the birds brain like?
They have relatively large brains in proportion to their bodies.
Do birds chew their food? Why or why not?
No. They lack teeth and swallow their food whole.
What are some uses for bills besides eating?
Bills can be used for building nests, excavating holes, defending against predators, grooming and cleaning.
How do birds walk?
almost exclusively on their toes.
What is so special about bird bones?
They are pneumatic which means they are hollow, porous, and connected to their respiratory system.
What do birds have that compensates for their small lungs and lack of diaphragm.
Birds have air sacs that allow them to breath continuously.
Why do birds need such large amounts of oxygen
to power their large flight muscles.