Unit 2 - Post-Excavation Flashcards
How can you sort ceramics?
- Estimated Vessel Equivalent (EVE)
- Minimum Number of Vessels (MNV)
- Number of pieces
- Weight
How can you analyse ceramics?
- Organic residue analysis
- Use wear analysis
Ceramic CS
- Boscombe Bowman
- Amesbury Archer
- The Companion
- Kingsmead - decorated with cord/platted cord/comb
How can you date metal objects?
- Stratigraphy
- Coins (historic dating)
- Typology & Seriation
- Obsidian Hydration
How can you conserve metal objects?
- Reduce humidity
- Use a dry brush (no liquids)
- Careful treatment to remove corrosion
How can you analyse metal objects?
- X-ray
What can you learn from metal objects?
- If it’s been heated, worked, alloyed
- See if several pieces of metal have been joined to create a complex artefact
- Trade, territories, approx dating (coins)
- How it’s been made (crucibles, slag, molds, ridges)
Gundestrup Cauldron CS
- Iron Age
- Denmark
- One of the largest known examples of celtic metalwork art
- Decorated with mythological and ritual scenes
- SEM shows it was built by 3 silversmiths, plates worked when flat and then shaped into curves, silber was slowly heated and then cooled before being shaped
What can you learn from ceramic analysis?
- Form (beaker, plate etc)
- Manufacture (pinch pot, molds etc)
- Material
- Style, decoration
- Status
- Trade
What can you learn from lithic analysis?
- Purpose
- Trade
- Technology
- Manufacture
How can you analyse lithics?
- Petrology
- Usewear
- Microwear
- Surface examination
Lithic CS
- Windmill Hill - 95000 pieces of flint
- Hambledon Hill - flint tools
- West Kennet - Stone beads, flint tools
What are the 4 main absolute dating methods?
- Radiocarbon
- Dendrochronology
- Thermoluminscene
- Uranium Series
What is radiocarbon dating?
- All living things absorb carbon
- This decays into 14N after death at a known rate
- Can be calculated to work out time since death
Pros of radiocarbon dating?
- Can date between 200-500000yrs
- Can date all organic materials (bone, shell, plant remains, wood, seeds)
- Accurate
Cons of radiocarbon dating?
- Can only date organic material
- Only accurate between 200-500000yrs
- Samples can be contaminated
- Number of samples should be taken
- Sample
- Calibration is needed at a radiocarbon year does not equal calender year
What is dendrochronology?
- Use of tree rings to date wood
- Compared to a master sequence
Pros of dendrochronology?
- Can tell if something had been renovated
- Accurate - exact date
Cons of dendrochronology?
- Date tree was felled not artefact used
- Growth can vary by climate
- Have to cut into object
- Can’t date if it’s too small or badly damaged
- Need a master sequence
What is thermoluminscene?
- Quartz crystals (found in clay) decay and produce an electric charge at a known rate
- Electric charge is released as light when heated
- Light produced can be measured
What can thermoluminscene be used on?
- Glass
- Burnt flint
- Stone
- Pottery
Pros of thermoluminscene?
- Can date from present - 400000yrs
- Useful for older sites where there are no organic remains
Cons of thermoluminscene?
- Less accurate that C-14 dating
- False readings due to radiation or if initial firing was at a low temp