Unit 2 (Part 2): Campaigns and Voting Behavior Flashcards
Contains Chapter 9
What is a nomination?
It is a political party’s official endorsement of a candidate for office. Generally, success in the nomination game requires momentum, money, and media attention.
What is a campaign strategy?
It is the master game plan candidates lay out to guide their electoral campaigns.
What is the national party convention?
It is the supreme power within each of the parties. The convention meets every four years to nominate the party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates and to write the party’s platform.
What are superdelegates?
They are national party leaders who automatically get a delegate slot at the Democratic Party’s national convention.
What is the invisible primary?
It is the period before any votes are cast when candidates compete to win early support from the elite of the party and to create a positive first impression of their leadership skills.
What is a caucus?
It is a system for selecting convention delegates used in about a dozen states in which voters must attend an open meeting to express their presidential preference.
What are presidential primaries?
They are elections in which a state’s votes go to the polls to express their preference for a party’s nominee for president. The vast majority of delegates to the national party conventions are chosen this way.
What is frontloading?
It is the recent tendency of states to hold primaries early in the calendar in order to capitalize on media attention.
What is a party platform?
It is a political party’s statement of its goals and policies for the next four years. The platform is drafted prior to the party convention by a committee whose members are chosen in rough proportion to each candidate’s strength. It is the best formal statement of a party’s belief.
What is a direct mail?
It is a method of raising money for a political cause or candidate, in which information and requests for money are sent to people whose names appear on lists of those who have supported similar views or candidates in the past.
What are campaign contributions?
They are donations that are made directly to a candidate or a party and that must be reported to the FEC. As of 2020, individuals were allowed to donate up to $2,800 per election to a candidate and up to $35,500 to a political party.
What are independent expenditures?
They are expenses on behalf of a political message that are made by groups that are uncoordinated with any candidate’s campaign.
What is the Federal Election Campaign Act?
It is a law passed in 1974 for reforming campaign finances. The act created the Federal Election Commission and provided for limits on and disclosures of campaign contributions.
What are political action committees (PACs)?
They are groups that raise money from individuals and then distribute it as contributions to candidates that the group supports. PACs must register with the FEC and report their donations and contributions. Individual contributions to a PAC are limited to $5,000 per year, and a PAC may give up to $5,000 to a candidate for each election.
What is the Federal Election Commission (FEC)?
It is a six-member bipartisan agency created by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974. The Federal Election Commission administers and enforces campaign finance laws.
What is soft money?
It is political contributions earmarked for party-building expenses at the grassroots level or for generic party advertising. For a time, such contributions were unlimited, until they were banned by the McCain-Feingold Act.
What are 527 groups?
They are independent political groups that are not subject to contribution restrictions because they do not directly seek the election of particular candidates.
What is the Citizens United v Federal Election Commission?
It is the 2010 landmark Supreme Court case that ruled that individuals, corporations, and unions could donate unlimited amounts of money to groups that make independent political expenditures.
What are 501(c) groups?
They are groups exempted from reporting their contributions and can receive unlimited contributions. Section 501(c) of the tax code specifies that such groups cannot spend more than half their fund on political activities. They are regulated by the IRS, not the FEC.
What is selective perception?
It is the phenomenon that people’s beliefs often guide what they will pay the most attention to and how they interpret events. (Selective Exposure)
What is suffrage?
It is the legal right to vote, extended to African Americans by the 15th Amendment, women by the 19th Amendment, and 18- to 20-year-olds by the 26th Amendment.
What is political efficacy?
It is the belief that one’s political participation matters - that one’s vote can make a difference.
What is civic duty?
It is the belief that in order to support a democratic government, a citizen should vote.
What is voter registration?
It is a system adopted by the states that require voters to register before voting. Some states require citizens to register as much as 30 days in advance, whereas others permit Election Day registration.
What is the Motor Voter Act?
It is a 1993 act that requires states to permit people to register to vote when they apply for a driver’s license.
What is the mandate theory of elections?
It is the idea that the winning candidate had a mandate from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics. Politicians like this theory better than political scientists do.
What is policy voting?
It is voting based on the voters’ policy preferences and where the candidates stand on policy issues.
What is the Electoral College?
It is the American institution created by the Constitution, providing for the selection of the president by electors chosen by the state parties. Although the Electoral College vote usually reflects the popular vote, less populated states are overrepresented and the winner-take-all rule concentrates campaigns on close states.
What are battleground states?
They are the key states that the presidential campaigns focus on because they are most likely to decide the outcome of the Electoral College vote.
Which caucuses are most important? Why?
The Iowa caucuses are one of the first caucuses offered by a handful of states. They test candidates differently than a primary due to a greater time commitment. The Iowan caucuses also have extreme media attention, which if positive extremely boosts the campaign.
Which presidential primary is most important? Why?
The New Hampshire primary because it is traditionally the first one held nationwide, causing extreme media attention. In recent years, one-fifth of TV coverage of the nomination races was devoted to this primary.
What are the main criticisms of the Primary and Caucus System?
- Disproportionate attention goes to early caucuses and primaries
- Prominent politicians find it difficult to take time out of their duties to run
- Money plays too big a role in the caucuses and primaries
- Participation in caucuses and primaries is low and unrepresentative
- The system gives too much power to media
If there is a tie for the nomination of a candidate, how is it broken?
The balloting is repeated until someone emerges with over 50%. Multiple-ballot contests used to involve lots of manipulating and dealing, but the last time a multiple-ballot contest was in 1952.
What does a candidate need to do to effectively organize their campaign?
- Get a campaign manager
- Get a fundraiser
- Get a campaign counsel
- Hire media and campaign consultants
- Plan the logistics
- Assemble a campaign staff
- Get a research staff and policy advisers
- Hire a pollster
- Get a good press secretary
- Establish a website
What are two basic ways to contribute money to a campaign?
- Campaign contributions to the candidates’ campaigns and the political parties
- Donations to groups that make independent expenditures to express political views
What is the doctrine of sufficiency?
Having “enough” money is more important than having “more” money.
What are the three effects campaigns have of voters?
- Reinforcement
- Activation
- Conversion
*Conversion is rarely successful
What factors tend to weaken a campaign’s impact on voters?
- Selective Perception (Selective Exposure)
- Party Identification
- Incumbents
What are some reasons that America has a low turnout rate in voting?
- Voter Registration
- Asked More Often Than Other Democracies
- The Choices Aren’t Starkly Different
- Voting Midweek During Most People’s Work Hours
What demographic factors are related to the voting turnout?
- Education
- Age
- Race and Ethnicity
- Gender
- Marital Status
- Government Employment
What are the three major elements of a voter’s decision?
- Party Identification
- Evaluation of the Candidates
- Policy Voting
What are the three most important dimensions of a candidate’s image?
- Integrity
- Reliability
- Competence
What’s a regular obstacle to policy voting?
Ambiguity. Often candidates their positions on controversial topics as the best course of action. Nixon’s and Humphrey’s ambiguous views on how to end the Vietnam War are a good example.
What do campaigns primarily promote?
Which states do not participate in the winner-take-all system?
Maine and Nebraska
If no candidate receives an Electoral College Majority, what happens?
The election is thrown to the House of Representatives. Each state delegation has one vote, no matter how many representatives a state has, giving small states overrepresentation.