Unit 2 P2 Vocabulary Flashcards

Hints: The index finger points to several people. This sign can be made to the right or the left side of the body

Hints: The fingers of the five-handshape is wiggled with the thumb by the side of the chin. This position is used for other signs relating to females.

Hints: The thumb of the open hand taps the side of the forehead. Male signs are typically made by the forehead.
Hints: The thumb on the right A-handshape brushes against the side of the chin and continues to move downward and forward; the hand then changes to an L-handshape and lands on the wrist of the right hand’s L-handshape. The beginning of this sign is similar to the sign GIRL.


Hints: The right hand makes like its grabbing the front of the baseball cap; it then changes to an L-handshape as it moves down and lands on the wrist of the left L-handshape.

Hints: A variation of the signs EAT and SLEEP is made. The O-handshape moves from the mouth to the cheek.

Hint: The index and middle fingers tap the thumb.

Hint: The index finger circle once or twice.

Hint: The hands clasp together to indicate two people being bound together in marriage.

Hints: The thumb of the A-handshape points across the body. The hand then makes a small arc to the side as it flips.

Hint: The flattened O-handshapes are moved from one position to another.
Her, His, Its

Hints: This is similar to the sign for SHE, HE, and IT, but it is made with an open-handshape rather than pointing. All pronouns that use an open-handshape are possessive pronouns.
He, She, It
Hints: The index finger points to either side. If the person or thing is present, then the signer points directly to that person.


Hint: The signs BOY and FRIEND are combined.

Hint: The signs GIRL and FRIEND are combined.

Hint: The sign THEY is made with an open hand.

Hints: The index fingers are bent around each other; both hands are then jerked forward.