Unit 2 - Module 3.1 Gonvernmental Controls Flashcards
Major change. Changing the use from residential to commercial, or for more density.
Road Maintenance Agreement
The agreement details how the costs of repairs/improvements will be paid for private roads. Not required by law, but highly recommended. Material facts must be disclosed to all parties in the transaction.
Subdivision Regulations
New subdivisions require approval from the city/county. Protects taxpayers due to the increased demand for services (police, fire, schools, and utilities). Ca offer lots for sale with preliminary approval. Can close upon final approval and recording of the plat map.
Special Assessment (Public)
Charges by the government for paving, sidewalks, city water/sewer services, or streetlights
Government Powers
PETE, Police Power, Escheats, Eminent Domanin, Taxation
Special use Permit
Provided for long-term planning to fast-track needed development. Affordable housing projects, hospital constructions, etc.
Building Codes
Part of police power, where cities/counties can establish minimum construction requirements. Fire controls, plumbing, electrical, and other safety measures
Special Assessments (Private)
A fee charged by an HOA for roofing, siding, or amenities
Real Property Taxes and Public Special Assessments
Paid before any recorded liens
Minor changes additional parking spaces or reduction in setback requirements. Not a change in use
Property falls back to the state when someone dies without a will and without heirs. “The State Cheats”
Legal Non-Conforming Use
Zoning laws have changed, and something previously allowed is now banned, Use is “grandfathered”. Property may be willed, sold, or transferred. May be able to rebuild if destroyed.
Costs of sale
Paid first in the event of a foreclosure sale
How roads become public
Built DOT standards. Dedicated to DOT. DOT accepts the roads.
Overlay District
An additional layer of rules on top of zoning regulations. Historic neighborhood, flood zone, aesthetic zoning rules, etc.
Most restrictive applies
Conflict between public or private laws/rules