unit 2 measuring economic activity Flashcards
Economic Activity
making, providing, purchasing or selling goods and services
Anthing that involves producing, distributing or consuming goods and services
economic activity
The variable used to measure economic activity is the
GDP measures
TOTAL value of all the goods and services that are produced in the economy over a period of time.
Market value
means that the goods and services are traded in the market place.
Final goods and services
Are the final thing like car or hotel
Produced in a country in a given period of time
this is referred to as DOMESTIC PRODUCT produced in that particular year.
The UAE has a diversified economy. Its GDP is generated from the following key sectors:
oil and gas
real estate and construction
trade and commercial
financial services
GDP components
GDP = C + I + G + NX
GDP = C + I + G + NX
Consumption (C) : the amount of goods and services used by households in an economyInvestment (I) : the purchase of goods that are not consumed in the current period, but are used in the future to produce more goods and services ex ; laptop Government Spending (G)
: this refers to mone spent by the public sector on thepurchase of goods and provision of services such as education, healthcare, defense.
Imports (M) : a good or service bought in one country that was produced in another like cars
Exports (X ) : a good or service produced in one country and sold to a foreign country
Net Exports(NX) : Exports Less Imports
Households provide the factors of production with which firms produce goods and services
notional product
Firms reward the households for the factors of production
notional income
Households spend their income on the goods and services produced by the firms
Since we assume that households receive income for the factors of production they provide businesses with (NY)
and households spend the income their receive on the consumption of goods and services (NE)
And that all the goods and services that households consume are produced by businesses in the economy.
This means that the total of
NP = NE = NY
Which leads us to conclude that the size of the economy, the GDP, can be measured either by calculating
NP, NY or NE
HH do not spend all their money on goods and services
produced in the domestic economy.
Some of their income is SAVED, paid to government in the
form of Taxes, or paid to foreign countries in the form of IMPORTS
Banks lend money to firms and HH who use the loans to finance
INVESTMENT. Governments use the taxes they receive in the form
of GOVERNMENT SPENDING. Businesses receive money from
Foreigners who pay for exports from the country
If water is being lost from the drain at the bottom of the bath tub
If water is being lost from the drain at the bottom of the bath tub LEAKAGES = Savings, Taxes and Imports
If water is being added because the tap / faucet is dripping
If water is being added because the tap / faucet is dripping
= Investments, Government Spending, Exports
Then, when total LEAKAGES = total INJECTIONS
S+ T + M = I + G + X
Consumer durables
are long-lived consumer goods : cars, furniture, appliances
Consumer non-durable goods
Are short lived-goods:clothing food
Are the largest component of consumer spending ex: Education, medical services
is spending by firms on final goods and services
Business fixed investment
includes purchases of new capital goods
such as factory plants, property, equipment
Business fixed investment
Residential investment
is construction of new homes and apartment buildings
Government purchases
purchases are final goods and services bought by federal, state, and local governments
ex office supplies ; services of teachers ; equipment
Business fixed investment inventory investment
is the change in unsold goods to the company’s inventory
Excludes transfer payments
Transfer payments are made by government for which no current production has been
eg unemployment benefits; sickness benefits (Social Security/ Welfare), interest on government debt,
Excludes interest
paid on government debt
Net exports
are exports less imports
1. Exports are goods and services produced domestically and sold abroad
2. Imports are purchases in the UAE of goods and services produced abroad eg in the USA
The INCOME METHOD measures GDP by adding togther :
Gross profits of all companies
Rent income from the ownership of resources
Income of labour – ie wages and salaries
GDP is an indication of the standard of living
wellbeing) of a society. A higher the real GDP per capita is an indication of the availability of health services, education and materail goods.
However, GDP it is not a perfect measure of the wellbeing of society for the following reasons
(TRICK remember the word PIES):
P: ignores the size of the population (infact we look at GDP per capita)
I : ignores the level of inequality in the distribution of wealth
does not consider the inequality in the distribution of income and wealth in the economy
E: negative environmental impact eg pollution, deforestation, depletion or resources etc.
S: omits all activity in the undergound economy
Economists use another index, the
DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) to measure variables such as happiness, safety, access to education, life expectancy etc. which all contribute towards a improved STANDARD OF LIVING.