Unit 2 Macroeconomics Flashcards
aggregate demand
total spending in the economy, made up of consumption spending, Investment spending, government spending and net export spending
aggregate supply
total amount of domestic goods and services supplied by businesses and the government
business cycle
diagram showing the cyclical fluctuations in economic activity; the business cycle shows that economies typically move through a pattern of economic growth with the phases: recovery, boom, recession, trough
central bank
government’s bank; institution that is responsible for an economy’s monetary policy
circular flow of income model
simplified model of the economy that shows the flow of money through the economy
consumer price index
measure of the average rate of inflation which calculates the change in the price of a representative basket of goods and services purchased by the ‘average’ consumer
spending by households on consumer goods and services
cost-push inflation
persistent increase in the average price level as a result of increases in the costs of production and a decrease in aggregate supply
crowding out
situation where the government spends more than it receives in revenue and needs to borrow money, forcing up interest rates and ‘crowding out’ private investment and private consumption
cyclical unemployment
unemployment that exists when there is insufficient aggregate demand in the economy and wages do not fall to compensate for this; it is usually associated with a recession
persistent fall in the average price level
demand-pull inflation
persistent increase in the average price level as a result of increases in aggregate demand
demand-side policies
policies to change the level of aggregate demand in the economy in order to achieve macroeconomic goals
direct taxation
taxation imposed on people’s income or wealth, and on firm’s profits
distribution of income
concerned with how much of an economy’s total income different individuals receive
economic growth
growth of real output in an economy over time, usually measured as growth in GDP
fiscal policy
government policies concerning its taxation and expenditure; fiscal policy may be used to manage the level of aggregate demand and may be expansionary or contractionary
frictional unemployment
unemployment that occurs when people entering the workforce after leaving education, or people who have left one job and are searching for a new job
full employment
exists when the number of jobs available in an economy is equal to or greater than the number of people actively seeking work
full employment level of output
level of output that is produced by the economy when all factors of production are employed
gross domestic product GDP
total money value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in one year
GDP per capita
total money value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in one year per head of population
Gini coefficient
coefficient that measures the income inequality; it is the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve and the line of absolute equality to the total area under the line of equality; the higher the figure, the more unequal the income distribution
gross national product GNP/ gross national income GNI
total money value of all final odds and services produced in an economy in one year, plus net property income from abroad
government spending
spending by governments on goods and services