Unit 2 - Levels of Evidence Flashcards
what is the definition of “level of evidence”?
- graded down on basis of study quality, imprecision, indirectness (study PICO doesn’t match questiosn PICO) because of inconsistency between studies, or because absolute effect is very small
- graded up if there is large or very large effect size
which is better, a systematic review or an individual study?
systematic review
how common is a step/level 1?
local and current random sample surveys/censuses
how common is a step/level 2?
systematic review of surveys that allow matching to local circumstances
how common is a step/level 3?
local non-random sample
how common is a step/level 4?
how accurate is the diagnostic/monitoring test for step/level 1?
systematic review of X-sectional studies with consistently applied reference standard and blinding
how accurate is the diagnostic/monitoring test for step/level 2?
individual X-sectional studies with consistently applied reference standard and blinding
how accurate is the diagnostic/monitoring test for step/level 3?
non-consecutive studies, or studies without consistently applied reference standards
how accurate is the diagnostic/monitoring test for step/level 4?
case-control studies, or poor/non-independent reference standard
how accurate is the diagnostic/monitoring test for step/level 5?
mechanism-based reasoning
what will happen if we don’t add a therapy (prognosis) for step/level one?
systematic review of inception cohort studies
what will happen if we don’t add a therapy (prognosis) for two?
inception cohort studies
what will happen if we don’t add a therapy (prognosis) for 3?
cohort study or control arm of randomized trial
what will happen if we don’t add a therapy (prognosis) for 4?
case-series or case-control studies, or poor quality prognostic cohort study