Unit 2 Key Words Flashcards
A relatively permanent change in behaviour
Classical Conditioning
A procedure during which an animal or person learns to associate a reflex response with a new stimulus
Classical Conditioning Schedule
The steps in the procedure to condition a new response
Unconditioned Stimulus
The stimulus that produces a reflex response
Unconditioned Response
The reflex response to an unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned Stimulus
A new stimulus, presented with the unconditioned stimulus, that produces a learned response
Conditioned Response
A response that is learned, which occurs when the conditioned stimulus is presented
When a conditioned response no longer occurs from a conditioned stimulus (it dies out)
Spontaneous Recovery
A conditioned response that has extinguished but suddenly appears again after a period of time
The conditioned response is produced with stimulus that are similar to the conditioned stimulus
The conditioned response is only produced with the conditioned stimulus
Operant Conditioning
Learning due to the consequences of behaviour, through positive or negative reinforcement
Law of Effect
Behaviours that are rewarded are usually repeated, those that are punished are not
A stimulus that weakens behaviour because it is unpleasant and we try to avoid it
A consequence of behaviour that encourages or strengthens the behaviour
Positive Reinforcement
A reward, or pleasant consequence, that increases the likelihood of a certain behaviour being repeated
Negative Reinforcement
When an unpleasant experience is removed after a behaviour or action is made, this increases the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated
Behaviour Shaping
Changing behaviour in small steps
A persistent and irrational fear of an object, activity or situation
A treatment of phobias that involves the patient being exposed directly to the object that causes fear until there is no fear response
Systematic Desensitisation
A treatment for phobias, in which a person is taught to relax and is gradually exposed to the object that causes fear
Hierarchy of Fears
A series of feared events, ranked from least frightening to most frightening
Aversion Therapy
A treatment for addictions that makes the addict have an extremely negative reaction to the addictive substance
Primary Reinforcer
A reward that a person needs in order to survive
Secondary Reinforcer
A reward, such as a token, that can be exchanged for a primary reinforcer
Social Influence
The effect other people have on our behaviour
A change in a person’s behaviour or opinions as a result of group pressure
Following the orders of someone we believe to have authority
The way that we are raised to behave and the things we are taught to accept as ‘normal’
The state of losing our sense of individuality and becoming less aware of our own responsibility for our actions
Mundane Realism
An everyday situation, that is life-like and not artificial