Unit 2 key terms Flashcards
Population distribution
is where people live in a geographic area
is a long term pattern of weather that affects the population distribution indirectly or directly
Temperate climates
moderate temperature and good precipitation
natural features of the earth’s surface
Human migration
people move from one place to another permanently
population density
the number of people occupying a certain area of land
Arithmetic density
measure the number of people per unit area of land
Physiological density
number of people per arable land
Agricultural Density
measure number of farmers per unit of arable land
subsistence agriculture
farming done for survival purposes only
carrying capacity
the maximum number of people an environment can withstand
dependency ratio
number of people in a dependent age group (under 15, over 65)
sex ratio
number of males and females in a population
data about the structure and characteristics of a population
the ability to produce children
crude birth rate (CBR)
number of births in a year per 1000 people
Total fertility rate (TFR)
the number of children a woman in a particular region will give birth to in her child bearing years
number of deaths in a population
Crude death rate CDR
Number of deaths per year per 1000 people in a region
Infant mortality rate
the number of deaths of children under the age of 1 per 1000 live births per year
Life expectancy rate
the number of years of person is expected to live
Population pyramids
give age-sex ratio to determine if the population is growing or not
rate of natural increase (INR)
the difference between the CBR and CDR in a defined group of people
Doubling time
number of years it will take a country for its population to double
growth and development of cities
population that exceeds it carrying capacity
governments who want to curb the population by discouraging the population in having a smaller amount of kids
governments who want to increase the population and encourage the population to have more kids
Land degradation
when the soil has been affected by long term damage and can no longer support crops
all types of movement from one place to another whether its short distance or long distance
temporary, repetitive movements
moving away from a place
Moving to a new place
Net migration
the difference between immigration and emigration in a specific place
Push factor
pushes people away from a place
pull factor
pulls people toward a place
Voluntary motivation
when people make a choice to move
Forced migration
when people are forced to migrate due to political, natural or cultural problems
Transnational migration
when people move from one country to another
Internal migration
migration within a country’s borders
Friction of distance
the longer a journey takes, the more time, effort and money it costs.
nomads move with their cattle to higher cooler elevations in the summer, and lower elevations in the winter
Chain migration
when people follow others and move out of their home country for the same reasons
Step migration
series of small moves to get to the final destination
Intervening obstacle
A situation that holds back people from migrating
Intervening opportunity
An opportunity that stops people from moving
Guest workers
People that move to work as temporary workers
Circular migrants
people who move back and forth from their country of origin and their new one
people who have been forced to move out because of fear of death
right to have protection in a new country
Internally displaced persons
people who had to flee but still remained in the country’s borders
Human trafficking
recruiting, transporting and harboring of humans in an improper way.
Interregional migration
when people move from one region to another across the world
intraregional migration
when people move between regions within their country
limits set on how many immigrants can come to a country per year
Kinship links
network of friends and family
Skill gap
shortage of people who have specific skills
Brain drain
when all of the educated people of a country move to a different -often richer- country