Unit 2 - Judiciary & Bureaucracy Flashcards
What is a bureaucrat?
An official in a government department or agency
What is the bureaucracy?
a system of gov organizations that operate like a business (they write + enforce regulations, issue fines for non-compliance, testify before Congress, and issue networks +
Issue networks
Issue networks are an alliance of various interest groups and individuals who unite in order to promote a common cause or agenda in a way that influences government policy.
more informal than interest groups
Iron Triangle
term used to describe relationship that develops between congressional committees, fed bureaucracy, and interest groups during the policy creation process
Administrative Discretion
It is the exercise of professional expertise and judgment, as opposed to strict adherence to regulations or statutes, in making a decision. T
~The power to choose a select solution out of many options
(so pretty much when you have flexibility/freedom in making your decision)
Civil Service
The body of government officials who are employed in civil occupations that are neither political nor judicial
USPS worker, police officer, 911 dispatcher
Spoils System
This is the practice of giving offices to people that support the party no matter their qualifications to be in that position.
Merit System
nonpolitical gov employees are hired and promoted based on ability (not political connections)
Department of Homeland Security
protects American citizens from terrorism and maintains control of the boarders
Department of Transportation
To deliver the world’s leading transportation system, serving the American people and economy through the safe, efficient, sustainable, and equitable movement of people and goods.
Department of Veteran Affairs
ensures the general welfare of the nation’s veterans
Department of Education
-establishes policy for, administers and coordinates most federal assistance to education.
- assists the president in executing his education policies for the nation and in implementing laws enacted by Congress.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
looks over the environment and human health
Federal Election Commission
enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and oversee the public funding of presidential elections.
Securities and Exchange Commission:
controls the stock market and prevents occurrence of fraud
- prevents market manipulation
Discretionary authority
an agency’s ability to decide whether or not to take certain courses of action when implementing existing laws
+ decide how & when to implement laws
Rulemaking Authority
an agency’s ability to make rules taht affect how programs operate and FORCE states/corporations to obey those rules as if they were law
Power of Purse
the power of the House of Representatives to approve the spending by the federal government
Congressional Oversight
agency heads must testify before Congressional standing committees to talk about how funds are used or what work is done
Independent Regulatory Commission
regulate a specific economic activity or interest
*independent from Congress + President
Federal Communications Commission, Federal Reserve System
Presidential Cabinet
The Cabinet is an advisory body made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, the members of the Cabinet are often the President’s closest confidants.
Independent Executive Agency
performed a service function = narrow areas of responsibility;
*established by Congress with separate status outside the executive branch. Works to accomplish the goals of the department. (ex. NASA, CIA, EPA)
Government Corporation
a government agency that is established by Congress to provide a market-oriented public service and to produce revenues that meet or approximate its expenditures.
~may not make revenue but must serve a public need
US Postal Service, Federal Deposit Insurance
Office of Personnel Management
Chief human resources agency for federal government
Office of Managament and Budget
oversees the implementation of the President’s vision across the Executive Branch
Hatch Act
restricts Federal employees involvement in partisan political activity while on duty
Pendleton Act
enforces the idea that federal government jobs would be awarded on a basis of merit
~ Made it unlawful to fire or demote someone for political, racial, or religion reasons
Holding the Bureaucracy Accountable
- President can fire department heads
- President can make executive orders
- Congress standing committees investigate how -funds are used or what work is done at agencies
- Congress can pass legislation
- Congress can increase/decrease funds for bureaucracies
- Senate confirms department head appointees
- SCOTUS can rule bureaucratic actions unconstitutional
Federal Register
the official journal of the United States that publishes gency rules, proposed rules, and public notices to inform citizens