Unit 2 - Judaism Flashcards
Who are the patriarchs of Judaism?
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Explain the covenant that was made to Abraham by God.
God promised Abraham land and offspring in return for Abraham only believing in one god.
Why is Abrahams story considered the beginning of Judaism?
Abraham was the first person to believe in only one god.
What is Judaisms most important, fundamental belief?
Belief in One God
What is the creed of Judaism
Why is the covenant so important?
It expresses Gods loving relationship with his people.
How many mitzvahs are there?
The mitzvoth is 613 rules/laws Jews must live by. Is that statement true or false.
False, they are more so used for guidance.
Chosen people are one of the core beliefs. Explain it.
God loves his people, and the people obey God to reach their full potential.
Another core belief is the Promised Land. What is it? Where is it?
God told Abraham to move to Canaan, he then told Moses to bring the Hebrew’s from slavery to a land of milk and honey, that land is known as Israel.
The Messiah is different between Catholic religions and Judaism. Who is the believed Messiah for both of them?
Judaism believes the Messiah is a descendent of King David who will restore peace and sovereignty over the Promised land.
Christians believe Jesus is the messiah.
Sin is another core belief. What does it mean to sin in Judaism?
It is failure to live with the covenant, to follow the Mitzvot. It is a break between the relationship of the person and God.
What is the origins of Kosher?
The word Kosher comes from the meaning proper as in the proper Jewish dietary laws. Kosher is mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy
Give a few examples of food according to Kosher.
Pork is unclean, and fish that doesn’t have fins or scales is unclean.You cannot mix milk and meat for it is like boiling a kid in its mothers milk. Forbids consumption of blood.
What is the Mezuzah?
It is a handwritten scroll containing the Shema and other biblical passages. It is placed on the door and is either touched or kissed before entering or exiting the room.
Magen David is…
The Star of David which represents the covenant between god and his people.
What is the Kippah?
It is a traditional skull cap worn by men and sometimes woman. It is worn to show respect to God, it is a physical reminder that God is above them.
What is the Shabbat?
It is the Sabbath day. It is celebrated every week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday.
What can people do on the Shabbat?
Spend time with family, refraining from work, praying and studying the Torah, visit services at the synagogue, and having a Sabbath meal.
Explain Passover
Passover is a holiday that commemorates the story of the final plague when God punished the Egyptians by killing all the first born children. God passed over the Jews homes.
What are the three denominations of Judaism?
Orthodox, Reformed and Conservative.