Unit 2 Images Flashcards

Reconstruction of the Citadel at Mycenae at its most developed state

Corbel Vault, Interior of Tholos, the so-called Treasury of Atreus

Funerary Mask of Agamemnom

Warrior Krater

Lion Gate as it appears today

Ajax and Achille playing a game, by Exekias

Exterior view of Tholos, the so-called Treasurey of Artreus

Temple of Aphaia

Greek Orders


Reconstruction drawing of the Temple of Aphaia

View and Plan of the Parthenon

Plan of Complex, Temple of Aphaia

Photographic mock-up of the East Pediment of the Parthenon

Dying Warrior of the West Pediment, Temple of Aphaia

Dying Warrior, from the east pediment, Temple of Aphaia.

Lapith Fighting A Centaur, from the Doric frieze on the south side of the Parthenon.

Spear Bearer (Doryphoros), by Polykleitos

Bronze Foundery

Marshall and young women, from the ionic frieze on the east side of the Parthenon

Reconstruction of an Estrucan Temple

The Weary Herakles (Farnese Hercules) by Lysippos


Alexander the Great Confronts Darius III at the Battle of Issos

Dying Gallic Trumpeter, from the Sanctuary of Athena in Pergammon

Burial Chamber,Tomb of Reliefs

Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of Two Ancestors (Barberini Togatus)

Lacoon and his Sons, by Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athenodoros of Rhodes

Pont Du Gard

Augustus of Primaporta

Ara Pacis Agustae (Altar of Augustan Peace)

Imperial Procession, detail of a relief from the Ara Pacis Agustae