Unit 2 - Hydrocarbons T5 Flashcards
Homologous series
Group of chemically similar compounds which can be represented by the same general formula. Physical properties can change gradually through the series.
Compounds made of hydrogen and carbon only
Hydrocarbons that are joined only by single bonds - have the same general formula -CnH2n+2.
Examples of alkanes are candle wax, paraffin and petrol.
Hydrocarbon prefixes 1-8
Meth - Eth - Prop- But- Pent- Hex- Hept- Oct-
Branched hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons with side groups attached to the main chain.
Naming branched alkanes
Part 1 - what carbon branch is on - number closest to the side that branch is on. If there are two branches on carbon 3 say 3,3.
Part 2 branch - length of branch ending in yl ie ethyl or propyl. If there are two of same branch say Di or potentially tri - if there are two or more different branches put one that’s prefix comes first in the alphabet first I.e 2 ethly, 3,3 dimethyl.
Part 3 name of longest chain I.e hexane.
Isomers are molecules which have the same molecular formula but different structural formulae.
Making isomers
Can move chain from end to coming off a middle one
When identifying them - one will often have different no. of carbons, one will be the same and another will have a different no. of hydrogens
Alkenes are hydrocarbons in which each molecule has the functional group of one double bond between a pair of carbon atoms.
They are used in plastics.
General formula = CnH2n.
They are unsaturated as they have a double bond.
Functional group
The part which makes it behave (or function) as a member of a particular chemical family.
Naming branched alkenes
Similar as alkanes however branches are numbered from side closest to double bone and end chain is name ends with name of chained alkene.
Naming alkene
Position of double bond decides alkenes name as in but -1 - ene it is in the first position, in but - 2 - ene double bond is in middle position.
Alkene isomer
Similar for alkanes however position of double bond can be moved to a different position however bear in mind that alkene can be flipped and bond be in same position. Cycloalkanes are also isomers of alkenes.
Ring of carbons connected by single bonds - so it is saturated. First member of the series is cyclopropane.
General formula is CnH2n.
Naming cycloalkanes
No way of numbering carbons so it is 1 word, if there are two of the same methyl branches on cycle ut and then it will be named dimethylcyclobutane, if it is single then it is just methylcyclobutane.