Unit 2- Gathering And Displaying Data Flashcards
Sample Data
Data gathered from a group selected from the population
Cross-Sectional Study
Carried out over a specific time frame focased on a wide range of individuals
Longitudinal stufy
Focases on a small group over an extended period of time
What do longitudinal studies allow the analysis of?
Quantitative data
Set of numbers which can be summerized with a mean etc
Qualitative Data
Categorical (described or observed)
Continuous Data
Any value is possible
Discrete Data
Only certain values possible (gaps occur)
Order important (opinion/degree of illness)
Order Unimportant (race, smoking status)
Primary Data
Gathered by researcher
Secondary Data
Gathered by another source
Survey includes entire population
Smaller group which represents the population
Simple Random Sampling
Every member of the population has an equal chance of being picked (ex name from a hat)